EnterWorks PIM Options
The EnterWorks PIM Options provide the ability to link an EPX activity to an EnterWorks PIM repository. Values either reference work item properties or are literal words. Typically, an administrator will keep Repository Name, Repository Friendly Name , and Repository Id dynamic. However, in rare scenarios, they can have literal values. For instance, the activity of processing a specific image of the DAMMaster repository.
- Log into EPX as an administrator.
From the Navigator, go to Process Modeling—>Process Flows—><select a flow>.
- Right click on the flow.
Click Open.
Click on the Process Flow Modeler tab.
Right click on a manual activity and click Properties.
Click on the Details tab.
EnterWorks PIM Options
EnterWorks PIM Options Details
Any time you submit to a workflow, you have properties that are attached to a work item. For instance, the following properties are always attached.
- Repository Name
- Repository Friendly Name
- Repository Id
If you submitted a preference: (Deprecated)
- Preference Name (Deprecated)
- Preference Id (Deprecated)
If you submitted a saved set:
- Saved Set Id
- Saved Set Name
If you submitted a search: (Deprecated)
- Search Name (Deprecated)
- Search Id (Deprecated)
- Additional Search Attribute (Deprecated)
- Item Id(s): If more than one item is selected, values will be in a comma separated list format.
The following options allow you to add additional information to submit to the workflow. Anything between two percent signs is a dynamic reference to an attribute inside an associated repository’s profile.
- Task Name – Details the process flow activity.
- Task Instructions – Informs the user what actions need to be done.
- Task Role – Informs the user the role assigned to a task.
- Task Status – Allows the user to manage the status of a task. The value specified will be the default value.
- Task Icon – Requires a URL of a 16x16 icon.
- Task Notification – option to specify notifications to the user when viewing the work item in the EnterWorks UI. This is typically set to the %workflowCommentHistory% property reference.
- Task Object – References the object the activity will act upon. If you know it will be a saved set, then specify the saved set name. If you know it will be a record, then specify the name of the record. If you leave Task Object blank, it will not appear.
- Allow Reassign – Future feature that allows users to reassign their own tasks to someone else.
- Allow Listing Send – this option controls whether or not the work item can be sent directly from the Active Work Items list on the Workflow Task Manager widget.
- Listing Viewer Type – When a user is in the Workflow Task Manager viewer, the user will be able to
be redirected to:
- Editor – the Detail Editor Tab.
- Listing – a record listing of repository records associated with the work item (e.g., in the referenced saved set).
- Listing Preference
- Work Item Type – References an EPX Work Item Type and allows EnterWorks to render the workflow submission screen based on the work item type selected during the initial workflow submission or upon completion of an activity. If a Work Item Type is specified (recommended), the Task Attribute JSON field is disabled.
- Task Attribute JSON
– Specifies the content of the submission form when creating or
advancing a work item for a repository record. This is only required if
a Work Item Type is not selected. The data inside the
square bracket is a JSON array object. Everything inside each curly
bracket is one attribute. For each attribute, there is:
- name – name of attribute.
- default – default value.
- type – determines an HTML control type.
- Type 0 – Text Box
- Type 1 – Dropdown Select Box
- Type 2 – Select Area Box
- Type 3 – Check Box
- Type 4 – Radio Selection
- Type 5 – Hidden
- list – values for the control type.
- In the second attribute there is “name” : “workflowComment”. workflowComment is a special feature that causes a viewer of an activity to append whatever the user enters into a comment history, so when the next user comes up then they can look at the comment history.