Edit a Shortcuts Link

To customize a shortcut link in the Shortcuts Widget, edit the shortcut link’s record in the Shortcut Repository. (For details on the how to manage records in a repository, see the EnterWorks 2020 User Guide.)

  1. Open the Shortcuts repository. (See Open the Shortcuts Repository).
  2. Select the record for the shortcut you wish to edit.
  3. Click the Edit button in the Shortcuts repository’s Activity Bar. The selected record will be opened in the Detail Editor Tab.

    Edit a Shortcut Link Record

    Left Side of Detail Editor Tab's Activity Bar

The shortcut’s record has three tabs:

  • Summary: The record’s summary attributes. These attributes appear in all shortcut records.
  • Details: The attributes shown on the Details tab vary according to the value of the Shortcut Type attribute (in the Summary tab).
  • State: The attributes in the State tab are not editable by the user. EnterWorks uses them to report on the state of the record.

The tables in the following sections describe the options on the Summary and Detail tabs for each Shortcut Type.

Customize the shortcut link record to as desired. To save the record and exit the Detail Editor Tab, click the Save button on the left end of editor’s Activity Bar. To exit without saving your changes, close the Detail Editor Tab’s tab.

If the shortcut link does not appear in the Shortcuts Widget or it does not perform correctly, check the values of the shortcut’s record attributes. Errors in attribute values may cause the shortcut to malfunction without providing an error notification to the user. For instance, if the value of the Preference Listing attribute in a Repository Listing type shortcut is misspelled, clicking the shortcut’s link in the Shortcuts Widget will have no effect – the specified repository will not be opened.

Summary Tab Attributes

Summary Tab

(required values are marked with a *)




Shortcut Type*

Defines the type of shortcut.

See Shortcut Types for descriptions of the available shortcut types.


The name that will appear in the Shortcuts Widget.


A description of the shortcut.

The description helps document the purpose of the shortcut. It does not appear anywhere other than in the editor.

Group Name

Limits the shortcut’s visibility to users within the specified user group(s).


The shortcut’s ID.

The Id will be generated by the system when the record is saved.

Display Order

Where the shortcut will appear in the list of shortcuts.

If not specified, the default Display Order (last) is used.

Widget Group

May not appear. This attribute is not currently used in most EnterWorks installations.

Shortcut Types

Shortcut Type

Shortcut Purpose

Repository Listing

Opens the specified repository in a Repository View.

Record Edit

Opens the specified record in the Detail Editor Tab.

Record Copy

Opens a new copy of the specified record in the Detail Editor Tab.

Record New

Creates a new record and opens it in the Detail Editor Tab.

Generate Template

Generates a template for the specified repository.

Jasper Report Tab

Displays the specified Jasper Report in a new tab.

Jasper Report Dialog

Displays the specified Jasper Report in a dialog box.

Jasper Report Window

Displays the specified Jasper Report in a new window.

Custom Tab

Displays the specified URL in a new tab.

Custom Dialog

Displays the specified URL in a dialog box.

Custom Window

Displays the specified URL in a new window.

Custom Tab/Dialog/Window Shortcut Types

The Custom Tab, Custom Dialog, and Custom Window shortcut types allow the administrator to create a link to a tab, dialog box, or window displaying the contents of the specified URL.

In the table below, required values are marked with an *.




Custom URL*

The URL to display in the tab, dialog box or window.

Additional URL Parameters

Any additional parameters necessary for the URL.

This value will be appended to the URL specified.


The width of the dialog box or window.

Does not appear if shortcut type is Custom Tab.


The height of the dialog box or window.

Does not appear if shortcut type is Custom Tab.

Generate Template Shortcut Type

The Generate Template shortcut type allows the administrator to define a link to a dialog box that enables the user to generate an Import/Export template.

In the table below, required values are marked with an *.



Repository Name*

The name of the repository.


The width of the Generate Template dialog box.


The height of the Generate Template dialog box.

Jasper Report Tab/Dialog/Window Shortcut Types

The Jasper Report Tab, Jasper Report Dialog, and Jasper Report Window shortcut types allow the administrator to create a link to a Jasper Report displayed in a tab, dialog box, or window.

In the table below, required values are marked with an *.




Custom URL*

The URL to display in the tab, dialog box or window.

Additional URL Parameters

Any additional parameters necessary for the URL.

This value will be appended to the URL specified.


The width of the dialog box or window.

Does not appear if shortcut type is Custom Tab.


The height of the dialog box or window.

Does not appear if shortcut type is Custom Tab.

Record Edit/Copy/New Shortcut Types

The shortcut types related to records are:

  • Record Edit: Opens the specified record in the Detail Editor Tab for editing.
  • Record Copy: Copies the specified record and opens the copy in the Detail Editor Tab for editing.
  • Record New: Creates a new record and opens it in the Detail Editor Tab for editing.

In the table below, required values are marked with an *.




Repository Name*

The name of the repository.

Preference Listing

The preference view to be used to display the contents of the repository. If no Preference Listing is selected, the default preference view will be shown.

Saved Set

The Saved Set to be displayed in the repository view.

Saved Search

The Saved Search to be performed in the repository view.

Search Attribute

An attribute to use as a search filter.

In order for this attribute to be used, all the following attributes must be specified:

  • Search Attribute
  • Search Operator
  • Search Value

Search Operator

The relationship between the Search Attribute and the Search Value.

In order for this attribute to be used, all the following attributes must be specified:

  • Search Attribute
  • Search Operator
  • Search Value

Search Value

The attribute value to search for.

In order for this attribute to be used, all the following attributes must be specified:

  • Search Attribute
  • Search Operator
  • Search Value

Record Identifier

The identifier of the record to be edited.

Preference Detail

The Preference View to be used in the Detail Editor Tab.

Attribute Tab

The attribute tab the record appears on.

Repository Listing Shortcut Type

Repository Listing shortcuts open the specified repository in a Repository View.

In the table below, required values are marked with an *.




Repository Name*

The name of the repository.

Preference Listing

The preference view to be used to display the contents of the repository. If no Preference Listing is selected, the default preference will be shown.

Saved Set

The Saved Set to be displayed in the repository view.

Saved Search

The Saved Search to be performed in the repository view.

Search Attribute

An attribute to use as a search filter.

In order for this attribute to be used, all the following attributes must be specified:

  • Search Attribute
  • Search Operator
  • Search Value

Search Operator

The relationship between the Search Attribute and the Search Value.

In order for this attribute to be used, all the following attributes must be specified:

  • Search Attribute
  • Search Operator
  • Search Value

Search Value

The attribute value to search for.

In order for this attribute to be used, all the following attributes must be specified:

  • Search Attribute
  • Search Operator
  • Search Value