Link Relationships

Linked Records

Linked records are records that have a relationship with another record. For example, a product record may contain links to accessory products or related products. The records can be in the same repository or in different repositories. Link relationships can be “one-to-one” (one record linked to another record), “one-to-many” (one record linked to more than one record), or “many-to-many” (records can both have more than one record link to them and can link to more than one record).

Records can be linked to digital asset metadata records. A digital asset is a file, such as an image, spreadsheet or PDF file. For every digital asset, EnterWorks’s DAM keeps a metadata file in the DamMaster repository. (See Digital Asset Management (DAM) for more information.) If a record is linked to a digital asset metadata record, it is said to be linked to the digital asset.