Package Promotion Report

Each time the Package Promotion function is invoked, a report is generated that details the steps taken during the Package Promotion processing.

The first section of the report displays the details of the promotion package being used.

Package: SKU Group has 3 levels:







The next section provides details on the saved sets that are generated for each repository comprising the Promotion Package. The repository the Package Promotion process was launched on is listed first.

Creating saved set Package PIM_ItemBusinessUnit_Staging_1436463369505 and adding 325 records .

Successfully created and populated saved set.

Repository PIM_ItemBusinessUnit_Staging not root-level. Identifying packages from selected items.

Create Saved Sets for Packages:

[Package PIM_Product_Staging_1436463369505]

Adding 36 records.

[Package PIM_Item_Staging_1436463369505]

Adding 325 records.

[Package PIM_ProductLine_Staging_1436463369505]

No records added to saved set.

[Package PIM_ItemBusinessUnit_Staging_1436463369505]

Adding 325 records.

[Package PIM_Brand_Staging_1436463369505]

Adding 9 records.

[Package PIM_Manufacturer_Staging_1436463369505]

Adding 9 records.

The next section provides details on the validation of the records in each repository included in the saved sets previously generated. For environments that have multiple validation levels defined, only the validation errors that are applicable for the current level are displayed.

Validate Saved Sets for Packages:

Saved Set: [Package PIM_Manufacturer_Staging_1436463369505]

Performing validation.

Validation job completed successfully.

Validation processed 9 finding 0 errors.

Saved Set: [Package PIM_Brand_Staging_1436463369505]

Performing validation.

Validation job completed successfully.

Validation processed 9 finding 0 errors.

Saved Set: [Package PIM_ItemBusinessUnit_Staging_1436463369505]

Performing validation.

Validation job completed successfully.

Validation processed 325 finding 0 errors

Saved Set: [Package PIM_ProductLine_Staging_1436463369505]

Performing validation.

Validation job completed successfully.

Validation processed 0 finding 0 errors.

Saved Set: [Package PIM_Item_Staging_1436463369505]

Performing validation.

Validation job completed successfully.

Validation processed 325 finding 2 errors:

ERROR: Master Item Id[1002] (Item Validation Level: C) has a critical error

SKU Group Auto-Id: :Failed Level C rule "Required for Level C" :data is empty

Master Item Id: 1002 :Failed Level C rule "Linked Main Image" :Expected one or more linked records in: DAMLink - found none.

ERROR: Master Item Id[1003] (Item Validation Level: A) has a critical error

UPC: :Failed Level A rule "Required - for Level A" :data is empty

UNSPSC UN Product Class Code: :Failed Level A rule "Required - for Level A" :data is empty

SKU Group Auto-Id: :Failed Level C rule "Required for Level C" :data is empty

Master Item Id: 1003 :Failed Level C rule "Linked Main Image" :Expected one or more linked records in: DAMLink - found none.

Saved Set: [Package PIM_Product_Staging_1436463369505]

Performing validation.

Validation job completed successfully.

Validation processed 36 finding 1 errors:

ERROR: SKU Group Auto-ID[1234] (Item Validation Level: A) has a critical error

SKU Group: :Failed Level A rule "Required - for Level A" :data is empty

The next section provides details on any alterations made to the saved sets based on the results of validation. Records are removed that have a validation error or that belong to a Package-Dependent repository that cannot be promoted because one or more records in the package have a validation error.

Update Saved Sets Based on Validation errors

Saved Set: [Package PIM_Product_Staging_1436463369505]

Validation Errors:

SKU Group Auto-ID[1234]

Parent Validation Errors:

No changes

Child Validation Errors:

No Changes

Saved Set: [Package PIM_Manufacturer_Staging_1436463369505]

Validation Errors:

No Changes

Parent Validation Errors

No Changes

Child Validation Errors

No Changes

Saved Set: [Package PIM_Brand_Staging_1436463369505]

Validation Errors:

No Changes

Parent Validation Errors

No Changes

Child Validation Errors

No Changes

Saved Set: [Package PIM_ProductLine_Staging_1436463369505]

Validation Errors:

No Changes

Parent Validation Errors

No Changes

Child Validation Errors

No Changes

Saved Set: [Package PIM_Item_Staging_1436463369505]

Validation Errors:

Master Item Id[1002]

Master Item Id[1003]

Parent Validation Errors

Master Item Id[1004]

Child Validation Errors

No Changes

Saved Set: [Package PIM_ItemBusinessUnit_Staging_1436463369505]

Validation Errors:

No Changes

Parent Validation Errors

Master Item Id[1002]; Business Unit [ORS]

Master Item Id[1003]; Business Unit [ORS]

Master Item Id[1004]; Business Unit [ORS]

Child Validation Errors

No Changes

The next section of the report details the results of the promotion process for the repositories of the records remaining in the corresponding saved set. It is expected that all remaining records will be promoted successfully.

Promote Saved Sets in Packages

Promote Saved Set: Package PIM_Manufacturer_Staging_1436463369505 in repository: PIM_Manufacturer_Staging

Promotion Completed Successfully. Records Processed: 9 Records with errors: null

Saved set promoted successfully.

Promote Saved Set: Package PIM_Brand_Staging_1436463369505 in repository: PIM_Brand_Staging

Promotion Completed Successfully. Records Processed: 9 Records with errors: null

Saved set promoted successfully.

Promote Saved Set: Package PIM_ItemBusinessUnit_Staging_1436463369505 in repository: PIM_ItemBusinessUnit_Staging

Promotion Completed Successfully. Records Processed: 322 Records with errors: null

Saved set promoted successfully.

Promote Saved Set: Package PIM_ProductLine_Staging_1436463369505 in repository: PIM_ProductLine_Staging

Promotion Completed Successfully. Records Processed: 0 Records with errors: null

Saved set promoted successfully.

Promote Saved Set: Package PIM_Item_Staging_1436463369505 in repository: PIM_Item_Staging

Promotion Completed Successfully. Records Processed: 322 Records with errors: null

Saved set promoted successfully.

Promote Saved Set: Package PIM_Product_Staging_1436463369505 in repository: PIM_Product_Staging

Promotion Completed Successfully. Records Processed: 35 Records with errors: null

Saved set promoted successfully.

The final entry in the report provides the elapsed time for the Package Promotion process from start to finish.

End of Package Promotion process. Processing time: 0 hours, 9 minutes.


If validation errors are found, correction files will be generated containing the records with errors. If many validation errors are found, a log update file will also be generated. These files will be included in the same ZIP file as the Package Promotion report.