Configuration of EnterworksDiff Utility
Perform the following steps to set up the first diff configuration.
- Open a browser and enter the following URL:
http://localhost:8090/infolink/ - Click on the EnterworksDiff application link.
Expand Scenarios, expand pg_diff, and
click on source_data1.
Open pg_diff and Select source_data1
- Ensure the Input settings are as follows.
Field |
Value |
Comment |
Source |
ServerFileSystem |
Specifies the source is a file. |
From table or query |
Table |
The source is a file which is like a table in terms of structure vs. a query. |
Space |
<install drive> :/Enterworks/shared/DiffFiles |
Specifies where to find the file. |
Table |
source_new.csv |
Specifies the new file name. |
Archive format |
none |
Content format |
csv |
If the source file is pipe-delimited, set this to psv. |
Configure the Application for the New Source File
- Ensure the Target settings are as follows:
Specifies the target is the database.
Specifies the name of the target table.
Standardize column names
- Click on Load: source_data2.
Configure the Application for the Old Source File - Ensure the Input settings are as follows:
- Ensure the Target settings are as follows:
Field |
Value |
Comment |
Source |
ServerFileSystem |
Specifies the source is a file. |
From table or query |
Table |
The source is a file which is like a table in terms of structure vs. a query. |
Space |
<install drive> :/Enterworks/shared/DiffFiles |
Specifies where to find the file. |
Table |
source_old.csv |
Specifies the old file name. |
Archive format |
none |
Content format |
csv |
If the source file is pipe-delimited, set this to psv. |
Field |
Value |
Comment |
Source |
PostgreSQL |
Specifies the target is the database. |
Table |
source_old |
Specifies the name of the target table. |
Standardize column names |
<unchecked> |
- Select Difference: source data1, copy the following
JSON to a JSON editor (e.g., http:// and
update the keyColumns array to contain only the file columns to be used to
uniquely identify each record in the file. Change keyCol1 and keyCol2 with
the primary key columns, (as few or as many as needed):
"into": {
"tableName": "source_data_new_updated_removed"
"opName": "Difference",
"opParams": {
"ignoreColumns": [],
"curTableSpaceName": null,
"keyColumns": [
"sourceName": "PostgresSQL",
"prevTableSpaceName": null,
"curTableName": "source_new",
"prevTableName": "source_old"
"title": "Difference: source_new"
Copy the resulting JSON to the Define operation in JSON format: field.
Configure the Key Columns -
Select the final Load Activity.
- Ensure the Input settings are as follows:
Field |
Value |
Comment |
Source |
PostgresSQL |
Specifies the source is the PostgreSQL database. |
From table or query |
Table |
The source is a table in terms of structure vs. a query. |
Space |
<blank> |
Specifies where to find the file. |
Table |
source_data_new_updated_removed |
Identifies the delta table. |
Archive format |
none |
Content format |
csv |
- Ensure the Target settings are as follows:
Field |
Value |
Comment |
Source |
ServerFileSystem |
Specifies the target is a file. |
Table |
<install drive> :/Enterworks/shared/DiffFiles/ source_delta.csv |
Specifies the name of the delta file to be generated. |
Standardize column names |
<unchecked> |
Right-click on the pg_diff scenario and select Append Operation -> Transform from the pop-up menu.
Select Transform - Set the Source to PostgresSQL.
- Set the Target Source to PostgresSQL.
- Set the Target Table to source_data_stat.
Click on the query window and press the i key to enter
insert mode, (the window is a vi-based editor).
- Copy the following query:
select count(*) from source_new) as cur_data_count,
select count(*) from source_old) as prev_data_count,
select count(*) as c from source_data_new_updated_removed where il_modification_status = 'new') as diff_new_count,
select count(*) as c from source_data_new_updated_removed where il_modification_status = 'updated') as diff_updated_count,
select count(*) as c from source_data_new_updated_removed where il_modification_status = 'removed') as diff_removed_count;
- Click in the query window and press Ctrl->v to paste the query to
the query window.
Paste the Query - Press the Esc key (to get out of insert mode in the query window).
Right-click on the pg_diff scenario and select Append Operation->LoadTableFromSource from the pop-up
Select LoadTableFromSource - Ensure the Input settings are as follows.
Field |
Value |
Comment |
Source |
PostgresSQL |
Specifies the source is the PostgreSQL database. |
From table or query |
Table |
The source is a table in terms of structure vs. a query. |
Space |
<blank> |
Specifies where to find the file. |
Table |
source_data_stat |
Identifies the delta table. |
Archive format |
none |
Content format |
csv |
- Ensure the Target settings are as follows:
- To test the process, in the folder:
<install drive> :\Enterworks\shared\DiffFiles
place two files, with the same column header, named:
Field |
Value |
Comment |
Source |
ServerFileSystem |
Specifies the target is a file. |
Table |
<install drive> :/Enterworks/shared/DiffFiles/ source_stat.csv |
Specifies the name of the delta file to be generated. |
Standardize column names |
<unchecked> |
- Right-click on pg_diff and select Run .
To view the status, click on Activity Log.
View Activity Log
- When complete, the new file source_delta.csv will be in the specified
folder. It contains the new records, updated records and deleted records.
The source_delta.csv File - The contents of the source_delta.csv file will be the same as the old and new files but with the added column il_modification_status, which will contain the statuses new, removed, or updated to indicate whether a record has been added, removed, or changed between the old and new file.
- The source_stat.csv file will contain the record counts for the old and new files, as well as the number of added, updated, and deleted records.
- The format of the file is shown below.
The Format of the source_stat.csv File