Install PostgreSQL Database

To install the PostgreSQL database:

  1. Start the PostgreSQL Setup wizard: Run the postgresql- <version>-1-windows-x64.exe file in the installation folder.
  2. Click Next.
  1. In the Browse for Folder page, select Make New Folder.
  2. Make a New Folder

  3. Create the folder:
  4. <install drive> :\Enterworks\PostgreSQL_9.6
Create the <install drive>:\Enterworks\PostgreSQL_9.6 Folder
  1. Set the installation folder to the new folder:
  2. <install drive>:\Enterworks\PostgreSQL_9.6

  1. Click Next.
  2. Accept the default for the Data Directory and click Next.
  3. Enter a password for the database superuser and click Next.
  4. Accept the default for the Port and click Next.
  5. Accept the default for the Locale and click Next.
  6. To begin the installation, click Next.
  7. Uncheck the launch Stack Builder checkbox and click Finish.
  8. Open the command prompt and enter:

<install drive> :\Enterworks\PostgreSQL_9.6\bin\psql -U postgres postgres

  1. At the password prompt, enter the password set during the installation above.
  2. Create the user infolink with superuser password ‘trust’ by entering the command:

create user infolink with superuser password 'trust';

  1. Confirm the user was created by entering the command:


Create infolink User