Install PostgreSQL Database
To install the PostgreSQL database:
- Start the PostgreSQL Setup wizard: Run the postgresql- <version>-1-windows-x64.exe file in the installation folder.
- Click Next.
- In the Browse for Folder page, select Make New Folder.
- Create the folder:
Make a New Folder |
<install drive> :\Enterworks\PostgreSQL_9.6
Create the <install drive>:\Enterworks\PostgreSQL_9.6 Folder
- Set the installation folder to the new folder:
<install drive>:\Enterworks\PostgreSQL_9.6
- Click Next.
- Accept the default for the Data Directory and click Next.
- Enter a password for the database superuser and click Next.
- Accept the default for the Port and click Next.
- Accept the default for the Locale and click Next.
- To begin the installation, click Next.
- Uncheck the launch Stack Builder checkbox and click Finish.
- Open the command prompt and enter:
<install drive> :\Enterworks\PostgreSQL_9.6\bin\psql -U postgres postgres
- At the password prompt, enter the password set during the installation above.
- Create the user infolink with superuser password ‘trust’ by entering the command:
create user infolink with superuser password 'trust';
- Confirm the user was created by entering the command:
Create infolink User