Installing the EnterworksDiff Utility

  1. Copy the file:


    from the installation directory to:

    <install drive> :\Enterworks\EnableServer\tomcat\conf

  2. Copy the file:


from the installation directory to:

<install drive> :\Enterworks\EnableServer\tomcat\webapps

  1. Open a browser on the server and enter the following URL:


  1. Click the Yes, create it link to create the infolink_master database.
  1. The browser should indicate the database was created successfully.
  1. Click on the “home page” link to go to home page:


  1. In the browser on the Infolink app home page, click Import App.
  1. Copy the path of the app_export_48 from the installation directory to the Import Application prompt and click Import.

    Sett the Import App's Path
  2. Click OK on the success prompt.
  3. Reload the web page.
  4. Click on the EnterworksDiff application link.

    Select the EnterworksDiff Application
  1. Expand Sources, then left-click on PostgreSQL.
  2. Update the connStr to:


Update the connStr

  1. Right-click on PostgreSQL and select Create Database from the pop-up menu.
  2. Set the Database name to enterworks_diff and click Create.
  3. Verify the database was created.

    Verify that the enterworks_diff Database has been created
  4. Left-click on PostgreSQL.
  5. Update the connStr to:


Set the connStr

  1. Right-click on PostgreSQL and select Upload libraries from the pop-up menu.
  2. Verify the libraries were uploaded successfully.

    Verify the libraries were uploaded


Troubleshooting Installation of EnterworksDiff

If the installer errors out withFailed to load SQL modules into the database cluster or error reading the file, the one or more of the following actions may resolve the error.

  • Check the install logs:
    File Explorer -> %TEMP%
    a. Find install-postgresql.log and look for errors:

  • vcredist may require a reboot
  • Error connecting via default port (5432)

  • In the file:


try creating the folders first.

* D:\Enterworks\PostgreSQL_9.6\data

  1. Grant full permissions to users or delete and create a local user to 'run as':

    net user postgres /delete

    net user /add postgres <password>

    net localgroup administrators postgres /add

    net localgroup "power users" postgres /add

    runas /user:postgres cmd.exe


    net localgroup administrators postgres /delete