Testing the EnterworksDiff Utility Using Popular Test Tools
The EnterworksDiff utility can be tested by launching the process from within a browser pointed to the utility on the EnterWorks Server. It can also be tested using the REST API independent of the Scheduled Import pre-processing.
There are two calls. The first launches the job and returns a unique job ID. The second checks the status of the job, passing in the job ID returned by the first call.
To Launch the Job using curl
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"apiKey":"ca8f6b55-93a8-40ba-b2c3-23c2fe6dd253","appId":"358","operation":{"opName": "RunScenario", "opParams": {"scenario": "pg_diff", "parameters": {}}}}' "http://localhost:8090/infolink/api/v1/executeJob"
To Launch the Job using Postman
URL: http://localhost:8090/infolink/api/v1/executeJob
body (raw):
{"apiKey":"ca8f6b55-93a8-40ba-b2c3-23c2fe6dd253","appId":"358","operation":{"opName": "RunScenario", "opParams": {"scenario": "pg_diff", "parameters": {}}}}
To Check the Status of the Job using curl
curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "http://localhost:8090/infolink/api/v1/getJobStatus?apiKey=ca8f6b55-93a8-40ba-b2c3-23c2fe6dd253&appId=358&jobId=JOB_ID_FROM_THE_FIRST_CALL"
To Check the Status of the Job using PostMan