Start/Stop Services
Start/Stop Services in Windows OS
The Start Enable.cmd and Stop Enable.cmd command scripts on each server containing non-third party components (EnterWorks Server, EnterWorks 2020, Utilities, and EPX) are configured to call the<component name>Start.cmd and <component name>Stop.cmd scripts for the components installed on that server. This provides the ability to stop or start all services on each server by running the same script, regardless of which components are installed.
For example, if a server has the EnterWorks Server and EnterWorks 2020 components, the Start Enable.cmd script will call the EPIM Start.cmd (for the EnterWorks Server component) and Enable2020 Start.cmd (for the EnterWorks 2020 component).
The Start Enterworks.cmd and Stop Enterworks.cmd command scripts on each server are located in:
<install directory>\Enterworks\bin
It is important to stop and start services in the correct order, depending on your system’s configuration. See the configuration-specific documentation provided to you by your EnterWorks account representative for more information regarding the stop and start orders for services.
Every time the EnterWorks services are stopped and restarted using the <XXX>Start.cmd scripts, system log files are moved to an archive folder whose name is comprised of the current year, date, and time. The archive folders are stored in:
<install directory> \Enterworks\logs\archive
For instance:
<install directory> \Enterworks\logs\archive\2019-03-14@15-23-43-84
might hold the following folders:
- DAMReportUtility
- EnableServer
- MonitorDAMDrop
- RegenerateDAMVariant
which would contain logfiles for those components of EnterWorks.
Periodically, older archive directories should be removed to prevent the archives from becoming large enough to impact EnterWorks’s efficiency.