Server Configurations

Please note:

In computing environments, the term “master” has historically been used to describe a process that controls other processes. The controlled processes have been referred to as “slaves”. Winshuttle no longer finds these terms acceptable. We are in the process of replacing them with “controller” and “workers” in our documentation, displayed content, and underlying architecture. In the meantime, for further information or instructions on changing the terms in displayed content, please contact your EnterWorks account representative.

EnterWorks can be configured to run on one or more servers. Typically, one server is used for the EPIM and EPX databases, and the EnterWorks components are distributed across one or more servers. When referring to the number of servers in the configuration, it is common practice to count only the servers containing EnterWorks components; the database server is understood to be part of the configuration. Therefore:

  • A “one-server” configuration refers to:
    • One database server.
    • One Enable server.
  • A “two-server” configuration refers to:
    • One database server.
    • Two Enable servers.
  • A “stand-alone” configuration consists of EnterWorks and the databases installed on the same server.
EnterWorks Stand-alone Configuration

The below is an example of a multiple-server architecture.

EnterWorks Multi-server Configuration