Windows-specific Architecture Specifications
Windows File Maps
EnterWorks General Component/Function File Map
EnterWorks General Component/Function File Map |
Component/Function |
File Path |
Main folder |
<install drive>: \Enterworks |
Start/Stop scripts |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\bin |
<install drive>: \Enterworks |
Enable 2020 Microservices |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\enable2020\ |
Enable Server |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\EnableServer |
JbossMaster/Slaves |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\EnableServer |
Tomcat |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\EnableServer |
Utilities |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\Utilities |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\EPX |
MongoDB |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\MongoDB |
The markdown documentation files. |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\ewdocs |
DAM File Map
DAM File Map |
File/Folders |
File Path |
DAMdrop |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\DAMdrop |
DamDropOnDemand |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\DamDropOnDemand |
DamDropWorking |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\DamDropWorking |
Damroot |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\Damroot |
DAMReportUtility |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\Utilities |
MonitorDamdrop |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\Utilities |
RegenerateDAMVariant |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\Utilities |
EnterWorks 2020 Microservices File Map
EnterWorks 2020 Microservices File Map |
Purpose |
File/Folder |
Root folder for microservices. |
<install drive> :\Enterworks\enable2020 |
Microservice .exe files. |
<install drive >:\Enterworks\enable2020\services\bin |
Installation scripts. |
<install drive> :\Enterworks\enable2020\services\install |
Microservices Working Directories |
<install drive>:\Enterworks\enable2020\services\bin\working |
Log and Error Files Map
Note that the file map below is configuration dependent. For example, in some configurations, log files for JBossMaster are found under the wildfly directory, while in another configuration, they would be found under the jbossMaster directory.
Component/Function |
File Path |
Archived Logs |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\logs\archive |
Job logs and Error files |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\logs\EnableServer\<jobtype> |
Tomcat logs |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\logs\EnableServer\tomcat |
Wildfly logs |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\logs\EnableServer\wildfly |
JBoss Master logs |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\jbossMaster\standalone\log |
JBoss Slave logs |
<install directory>\Enterworks\jbossSlave <X>\standalone\log |
EPX logs and Error files |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\logs\EPX |
EnterWorks Utilities |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\logs\EPX |
Validation logs |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\logs\EnableServer\validation |
MongoDB logs |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\MongoDB\logs |
Snapshot logs |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\logs\EnableServer\snapshot Generated when a snapshot table is rebuilt or populated through the Job Monitor. |
Heap dump log |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\logs\EnableServer\heapdump If a process runs out of memory, a dump of the process is stored here. |
Text index log |
<install drive>: \Enterworks\logs\EnableServer\textIndex |