Attributes Tab

The Channel Readiness View’s Attributes tab displays statistics about the attributes selected for the Channel during Channel configuration.

To view the statistics for Channel’s configured attributes, select a Channel on the Channel Readiness View. It will be highlighted blue. Click the Attributes tab.

Channel Readiness Attributes Tab

The Category dropdown (in the upper left corner) allows the user to select which attributes to display. Selecting a category will display the statistics for the attributes in that category.

The Attributes tab displays all the attributes selected from the Channel’s Export Template along with each attribute’s statistics.

  • Attribute Name
  • Type: Required or optional.
  • Fill Rate: The percentage of records that have the indicated attribute filled.
  • Core Validation: The percentage of the records whose indicated attribute meets core validation rules, such as valid data for the data type or associated Code Set value (if applicable).
  • Business Rules: The percentage of records whose indicated attribute passes the channel’s required validation rule(s).