Manage Digital Assets in a Repository View

For information on viewing Digital Assets from the records that link to them, see the Linked Records section of this document.

To view the Digital Assets stored in EnterWorks from the DamMaster repository, open DamMaster in a Repository View, (see Open DamMaster in a Repository View).

DamMaster in a Repository View

DamMaster in Repository View's Activity Bar

To turn on the Cover Flow functionality, click the Images toggle on the right end of the Repository View’s Activity Bar. The Images toggle will turn green.

Activate Cover Flow

Cover Flow displays the records’ main images on that page in a series, with the last selected record as the primary image. A slider on the bottom of the Cover Flow determines the size of the displayed images. The arrows on the left and right sides of the cover flow allow the user to move to the previous or next page of records.

DamMaster in Repository View Cover Flow

To view the metadata for a particular Digital Asset, double-click its record. The record will be opened in the Detail Editor Tab .

If the Digital Asset is an image, a thumbnail of the image will show in the Repository View. A larger view of the thumbnail will be shown in the Detail Editor Tab.

Digital Asset in the Detail Editor