Table Controls
The EnterWorks user interface contains common elements for manipulating most tables. Many of the elements are similar to those found in typical window-based user interfaces.
Sort a Table by Column Values
A table can be sorted by the values in one of its columns. Clicking the title of a sortable column (or the triangle just to the left of the title) will cause the table to sort in ascending order. Clicking the column title again will cause the table to sort in descending order. Clicking the column title a third time will cause the table to return to its original sort order.
Sort Repository |
Change a Table’s Column Order
A table’s column can be moved by dragging and dropping the column header into the desired position. To move a column, click the column header, hold the mouse button, drag the column header to its desired position, and release the mouse button.
Change a Table’s Column Width
A table column’s width can be changed by placing the curser on the right edge of the column’s header (when the cursor is in the right location, it will display as a double-headed arrow), clicking and holding the mouse, and sliding the cursor in the desired direction to widen or narrow the column. When the column is the desired width, release the mouse button.
Filter a Table by Column Values
Table rows can be filtered according to the values in their columns. To
filter a column, click the hamburger icon to the right of the column’s
Click the Filter by Column Icon |
A Filter window will appear. The contents of the Filter window varies depending on the data type of the column.
Set the Filter as Desired |
Set the filter as desired, then click the Save button. The filter will be applied and an Active Filter box will appear in the Filter Bar (which is a bar that appears below the Tab Bar when there are active filters).
Active Filter |
To remove the filter, close the current filter’s Active Filter box.