Multi-Language Support

EnterWorks can be configured to support multiple languages. For more information about a particular use of the Multi-Language capability, contact the system administrator.

  • User Interface translations – Screen labels, instructions, tool tips, buttons, drop-down menus, and error/info messages are based on the user’s selection of language at the time of sign-in as long as that language has been properly configured.
  • User-defined data translations – Record attributes can be configured to support multiple languages via both user entered translations and generated translations. Fields configured to support different languages display a Multi-Language icon next to the input field.
  • System-level data translations – System-level objects such as View Preference names and descriptions, Code Set descriptions, Import & Export Template names and descriptions, and Hierarchy names and descriptions can also be configured to support multiple languages. Users permitted to maintain translations for system-level objects will see a Multi-Language icon next modifiable text fields.

User Interface Language

During login, the user can select the language that EnterWorks’s user interface will use by choosing the desired language from the Language dropdown list in the Login window. The languages supported depend on system configuration. Contact the system administrator for more information.

Select User Interface Language at Login

Language Translation Fields

Depending on system configuration and the user’s permissions, the user can enter translations for attribute values and system-level objects. Fields that support the Multi-Language capability are marked with a Multi-Language icon .

To enter a language translation into a Multi-Language field, click the Multi-Language icon appearing on the far right of its text edit box. An Edit Multi-Language pop-up window will appear.

Edit Multi-Language Fields

The Language dropdown list at the top of the Edit Multi-Language window allows the user to elect to see the text edit boxes for all the supported languages or to see only one. If a desired language is not supported, contact the system administrator.

Edit Multi-Language Window: Select Language(s) to View

The user can enter their own translation into a text edit box or if the Multi-Language icon appears at the far right of the text edit box, click the icon and a translation of the default language’s text edit box will be generated and entered into the box.

Automatically Generate Translation of Default Language Text Field for a Language Text Field

To have EnterWorks generate translations of the text in the default language’s text box for all the supported languages, click the Multi-Language icon at the far right of the Language dropdown list.

Automatically Generate Translation of Default Language Text Field for All Language Text Fields

To save the changes to the Multi-Language field and exit the Edit Multi-Language window, select Apply. To exit without saving the changes, select Cancel.