Manage Category Attribute Assignment
For a description of Category Attributes, see EnterWorks 10 Basics.
View Assigned Category Attributes
To view the Category Attributes assigned to a Taxonomy node:
Open the Taxonomy in the Taxonomy Manager, (see
Open a Hierarchy or Taxonomy in the Hierarchy/Taxonomy Sidebar).
Taxonomy Manager
- Drill down the Taxonomy Node Tree to find and select
the desired Taxonomy node. Category Attributes assigned to the node will be
listed in the center of the screen, in the Assigned Category Attributes pane.
Assigned Category Attributes
Assign a Category Attribute to a Taxonomy Node
Only attributes designated as Category Attributes can be assigned to a Taxonomy node. A list of the available Category Attributes are displayed in the Available Attributes pane in theTaxonomy Manager (the Available Attributes pane is on the far right side).
Available Attributes |
If the desired attribute is not shown in the Available Attributes pane, ensure that the attribute has been designated as a Category Attribute, (see the EnterWorks 10 Administration Guide).
Depending on the configuration of the Taxonomy, Category Attributes assigned to a node may be inherited by the node’s children nodes.
To assign a Category Attribute to a Taxonomy node:
Open the Taxonomy in the Taxonomy Manager. See
Manage Taxonomy Nodes
for instructions on opening a Taxonomy in the Taxonomy Manager.
Taxonomy Manager
- Drill down the Taxonomy Tree to find the desired Taxonomy node and select it.
- Drill down the Available Attributes tree to select a Category Attribute or Category Attribute Group.
- Click and drag the Category Attribute or Category Attribute Group from
the Available Attributes tree to the Assigned Category Attributes pane in the center of the
Drag and Drop Category Attributes
- The attribute(s) will be assigned to the selected Taxonomy node as a
Category Attribute(s). The Category Attribute(s) will appear in the Assigned Category Attributes pane in the center of the Taxonomy Manager screen.
Assigned Category Attributes
- After any change to the Taxonomy, clear the cache, (see Clear Data Cache), and refresh displays to ensure the change has been propagated throughout the system and displays are accurately reflecting system status.
Remove a Category Attribute from a Taxonomy Node
WARNING: Removing a Category Attribute from a node will result in the loss of that attribute’s value in any records assigned to that node or any of its children nodes.
To remove a Category Attribute’s assignment to a node,
Open the Taxonomy in the Taxonomy Manager. See
Manage Taxonomy Nodes
for instructions on opening a Taxonomy in the Taxonomy Manager.
Taxonomy Manager
- Drill down the Taxonomy Node Tree to find and select the desired Taxonomy node. Its Category Attributes will be displayed in the center of the screen in the Assigned Category Attributes pane.
- In the Assigned Category Attributes pane, select one or more Category Attribute(s) to be un-assigned from the node.
- Click the Remove Assignment button on the Taxonomy Editor’s Activity Bar.
Remove a Record Assignment
- The Category Attribute will be removed from the node. The next time any records assigned to that node are validated, any value in that attribute will be erased.
- After any change to the Taxonomy, clear the cache, (see Clear Data Cache), and refresh displays to ensure the change has been propagated throughout the system and displays are accurately reflecting system status.
Possible Values
The user can restrict the set of possible values for an assigned Category Attribute associated with a Code Set to a subset of values in that Code Set. Possible values are the list of values the user may select from when entering a value for the Category Attribute.
The possible values can only be defined on the Taxonomy node to which the Category Attribute is assigned. If it is inherited, the Possible Values button is disabled.
To restrict the set of possible values for a Category Attribute:
Open the Taxonomy in the Taxonomy Manager. See Manage Taxonomy Nodes
for instructions on opening a Taxonomy in the Taxonomy Manager.
Taxonomy Manager
- Select the desired Taxonomy node to display its assigned Category Attributes.
- Select the desired Category Attribute.
- Click the Possible Values button.
Restrict the Possible Values of a Node's Code Set
A Code Set Values editor will appear. The Available Code Set Values and Allowed Code Set Values only appear if Subset is checked.
Select Possible Attribute Values from a Code Set
- Edit the Code Set Values options as desired:
- Possible Values:
- All: Select All to make all the Code Set values available for use by the Category Attribute.
- Subset: Select Subset to make only some of the Code Set values available for use by the Category Attribute.
- Possible Values:
If Subset is selected, the Code Set Values editor will display the Code Set values
the Category Attribute may use.
- Available Code Set Values: A list of all the values in the Code Set that have not already been added to the list of Allowed Code Set Values.
- Allowed Code Set Values: A list of the values allowed to the Category Attribute. They determine the list of values the user may select from when entering a value for the Category Attribute.
- To move Code Set values between the Available Code Set Values and the Allowed Code Set Values lists, select the desired Code Set
value(s) and use the right arrow
button and the left arrow
button to move the Code Set values(s) from one list to the other.
- To save any changes to the Allowed Code Set Values list and to exit to the Code Set Value Editor, click theSave button, or to exit without saving changes, click the Cancel button.
- After any change to the Taxonomy, clear the cache, (see Clear Data Cache), and refresh displays to ensure the change has been propagated throughout the system and displays are accurately reflecting system status.
Set Category Attribute Display Order
To change the display order of Category Attributes assigned to a Taxonomy node,
Open the Taxonomy in the Taxonomy Manager. See
Manage Taxonomy Nodes
for instructions on opening a Taxonomy in the Taxonomy Manager.
Taxonomy Manager
- Click and drag one or more attributes up or down the list ofAssigned Category Attributes. Clicking the Set Order button will cause an informational window to appear that tells the user to drag and drop the attributes into the desired order.
- After any change to the Taxonomy, clear the cache, (see Clear Data Cache), and refresh displays to ensure the change has been propagated throughout the system and displays are accurately reflecting system status.