Impersonate a User Role

The Impersonate User capability allows a user with proper credentials to impersonate another role to carry out EnterWorks tasks using the roles’ security credentials. The actions of the impersonator are logged and auditable. For more information on the Impersonate User capability, see EnterWorks 10 Basics.

The user’s account must be configured to allow them to impersonate another user. This is typically performed by a system administrator. For more information on configuring the Impersonate User capability, see the EnterWorks 10 PIM Administrator Guide.

Impersonating a User

To impersonate another user, the impersonator selects the Impersonate icon on the far right of the Tab Bar and selects the user from the Impersonate drop-down list.

Impersonate User Drop-down

To stop impersonating a user, the impersonator clicks the Impersonate icon and selects Stop Impersonate from the Impersonate drop-down list.

Stop Impersonating a User