About the User Editor

Users are modified using the User editor. You can open the editor depending on the number of users that you need. This means:

  • Each user account that you open for editing has its own editor.
  • Any activity that you perform from the User menu applies to the user whose editor is active.

Note: You can open multiple simultaneous editors for a single user. However, changes made in one editor will not be populated in the other open editors for that user.

User Editor Tabs

User properties are modified on the tabs contained in the User editor. When you have finished modifying properties for a user, click OK to save the changes and close the User editor.

The following table explains the purpose of each tab:

Use this tab...

To do this...


View the user’s username and description.


View the user’s details (first name, last name, etc.).


View the physical mailing addresses associated with the user.


View the user’s phone information.


View the user’s e-mail address.


Actor Assign and view another actor to which this user’s tasks can be assigned.


View the roles assigned to the user.


View the groups that the particular user is assigned to.


Assign access rights to the user.

General Tab

The General tab contains the following information:




The name assigned to the user account when it was created.


An editable description of the user.


Indicates that the user is inactive.

Multiple sessions

Session control can allow/disallow the user the option of having multiple sessions.

Audit administrator option

Allows the selection of the Audit administrator as the user option

Details Tab

The Details tab contains the following information:



First Name

The user’s first name

Middle (Optional)

The user’s middle name

Last Name

The user’s last name

Company (Optional)

The user’s company name

Job Title (Optional)

The user’s job title

Manager (Optional)

The user’s manager. Used for information only.

Department (Optional)

The user’s department

Address Tab

The Address tab allows you to view the postal addresses associated with the selected user.

Associating addresses with a user

To associate an address with the user, do the following:

  1. With the User editor open, right-click in the address table, and then click Add in the shortcut menu; alternatively, in the User menu, click Add Address.
  2. Type the user’s address information.
  3. If you are adding more than one address, you can select one of the addresses as primary by selecting the Primary option next to that address. Setting an address as primary is only a visual indicator for the person viewing the information; it is not implemented into EPX functionality in any way.

Phone Tab

The Phone tab contains the user’s phone numbers. To add a phone number, do the following:

  1. Right-click on any area in the phone table, and then click Add in the shortcut menu.
  2. Type the phone number, select the type of phone number that it is (e.g., Home, Work, Fax, etc.), and then click OK.
  3. If you are adding more than one phone number, you can select one of the numbers as primary by selecting the Primary option next to that number. Setting a phone number as primary is only a visual indicator for the person viewing the information.

Email Tab

The E-mail tab contains the user’s e-mail addresses. To add an e-mail address, do the following:

  1. Right-click on any area in the e-mail table, and then click Add in the shortcut menu.
  2. Type the necessary information.
  3. Select the Enabled checkbox next to the address to enable the e-mail address to receive notices.
  4. Select the Notify by E-mail checkbox next to an address to have EPX automatically send e-mail to the address any time a work item has been placed in their Inbox.
  5. If users should be able to modify their e-mail address information, select the User can change setting checkbox.

Alternate Actor Tab

The Alternate Actor tab allows you to select another user to which this user’s work items can be reassigned. This reassignment can be performed on this tab as well (by selecting the EnterWorks alternate actor checkbox), or it can be performed by the user through TaskManager. If a user does not have the security privileges to see another user object, then that user will not be available for alternate actor selection. Changes to the alternate actor status made on this tab are also displayed in TaskManager, and vice versa.

For more information, see the TaskManager guide.

Roles Tab

The Roles tab allows you to view the roles assigned to a user. You can open any role that appears in the list, you can also view or modify the role properties. You cannot assign roles to a user in this tab. To assign a role to a user, you must use the Roles editor that can be opened from the Process Modeling folder.

For information on assigning roles, see the Process Modeling guide.

Box Profile Tab

A Box Profile is a type of custom “at-a-glance” view designed by EPX administrators to display particular work item data on the Inbox page in TaskManager. Access to custom Box Profiles is set within this tab. For more information about Box Profiles, refer to the “Setting Box Profile options” section of the TaskManager guide.

To select your default Box Profile, click Select. From the list, select the Box Profile, and click OK.

Note: If there are multiple custom Box Profiles, in addition to the system default box profile, that you want users to choose from in the TaskManager, select the Display summary as the first page in TaskManager checkbox.

Groups Tab

The Groups tab allows you to assign the user to groups, as well as to view the groups that the selected user has been assigned to.

Assigning users to groups

To assign the user to a group, do the following:

  1. With the User editor open, right-click in the group table, and then click Add in the shortcut menu; alternatively, in the User menu, click Add Groups.

Note: You must first create a group before you can add the user to that group.

  1. Click the group or groups that you want the selected user to be a member of, and then click OK.

Removing groups from users

  1. With the User editor open, click the Groups tab.
  2. After selecting the groups to remove, do one of the following:
    • Press the <Delete> key.
    • Right-click the group name, and then click Delete in the shortcut menu.
    • In the Edit menu, click Delete.

Security Tab

The Security tab allows you to specify and view which types of access the selected user has to various objects.

Assigning Security for a User

With the User editor open, do the following:

  1. Click the Security tab. Double-click a folder to display its contents in the next column. Any object selected in these columns will be listed in the bottom half of the tab.
  2. In the bottom half of the tab, select the corresponding checkboxes to set or clear the security for individual objects.

Note: To access the reports in the TaskManager, make sure that you select the Read checkbox within the Reports folder. Also, you can either select the All checkbox to grant read-only access to all the reports, or you can select specific reports within the Reports folder. In the Process Modeling folder, make sure that you select the Read checkbox, then select the All checkbox to apply the read-only privilege to the Process Modeling activities.

For more information about security in EPX, refer to Security .

Changing a User’s Password

To change a user’s password, do the following:

  1. Open the user’s User editor, click the Details tab, and then click the Password button; alternatively, in the User menu, click Change Password.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • If you are logged into the EPX server as “system”, type the new password twice in the appropriate boxes (once to select, once to confirm), and then click OK.
    • If you are logged into the EPX server as a user with administrative privileges, type the user’s old password, and then type the user’s new password twice (once to select, once to confirm).
  1. Click OK.

Managing Users

Having administrator privileges allows you to add and delete users, modify user properties, and view the contents of a selected user’s Inbox, Sentbox, Draftbox, and Archive files.

User Menu Commands

After opening the User editor, the User menu becomes available in the Design Console menu bar. The following table explains the meaning of each menu command specific to the User editor:

Use this menu command...

To do this...

Add E-mail Address

Add e-mail addresses for the user

Add Phone Number

Add phone numbers for the user

Add Address

Add a physical address to associate with the selected user

Add Groups

Add the selected user to one or more groups

Select Manager

Select the user’s manager

Change Password

Change the password for the selected user

Renaming Users

When renaming users, you can only modify the user’s first, middle, and last name. You cannot modify the user ID. To rename a user, do the following:

  1. In the Navigator pane, log into the server where the user object that you want to modify resides.
  2. Expand the Administration folder, and then the Users folder.
  3. Open the User editor for the user, and click the Details tab.
  4. Make the necessary changes to the user’s name.
  5. Click OK.

Deleting Users

Before you can delete users, you must have the appropriate permissions. To delete users in EPX, do the following:

  1. In the Navigator pane, log into the server where the user object that you want to delete resides.
  2. Expand the Administration folder, and then the Users folder, and browse to the user that you want to delete.
  3. Click the user to select it, and then do one of the following:
  • In the Navigator menu, click Delete.
  • Press the <Delete> key.
  • Right-click the user, and then click Delete in the shortcut menu.
  1. You are prompted to verify that you want to delete the selected user object. Click Yes to delete the user. If there are any dependencies associated with the user, an error message may appear.

Important: There may be dependencies that prevent you from deleting a user (i.e., the user is assigned to a flow activity). If there are dependencies, then a dialog appears, listing them. You must then locate and modify any activities that the user is associated with, change the activity so that the user is no longer involved, and then delete the user.

Managing Work Items

Each user has an Inbox, Sentbox, and Draftbox that contain the user’s work items. Work items in the Inbox must be acted upon by the user. Work items in the Sentbox were created or acted upon by the user and sent to the next activity in a process flow. Work items in the Draftbox were created by the user, but have not been sent to the next activity in a process flow.

As an administrator, you can view, delete, and re-assign a user’s work items. The Work Item Version editor allows you to manage a user’s Inbox, Sentbox, and Draftbox.

For more information on work items, see the TaskManager guide.

Viewing a User’s Inbox, Sentbox, Draftbox, and Work Items

The Work Item Version editor allows you to manage a user’s work items. To view a user’s Work Item Version editor, you must first open their Inbox:

  1. In the Navigator pane, expand the user’s entry under the Users folder, right-click the user’s Inbox (or Sentbox or Draftbox), and then click Open in the shortcut menu.
  1. The user’s Inbox editor displays the following information about each work item:
  • Name
  • Sender (Inbox only)
  • Recipient (Sentbox only)
  • Date
  • Priority (Inbox and Sentbox only)
  • Activity
  • Process Flow
  1. Double-click a work item to view the Work Item Version editor, which contains the following tabs:

Use this tab...

To do this...

General tab

View the name and description of the work item


View the various attributes (e.g., server name, creation date, etc.) of the work item


View and modify the hash table key/value pairs of the selected work item. Any modifications to the work item hash table must be correlated with the work item viewer to allow for successful completion of the work item.


View a read-only list of files that are attached to the work item


View a list of errors that the work item may have attached

  1. Click on any tab to view the information they contain.
  2. On the Errors tab, you can select an error in the list to view its details, which appear in the lower portion of the tab. Click Clear Errors to remove the errors from the work item.
  3. When you have finished viewing or modifying work item information, click OK. You can access a user’s Sentbox and Draftbox using the same steps.
Re-assigning Work Items to a User’s Inbox

An EPX administrator has the capability to re-assign work items from one user’s Inbox to another. This feature can be used in instances where a user is not available to process the work items in their Inbox. Work items can only be moved from one Inbox to another Inbox.

Moving the work items can be accomplished by performing a cut-and-paste operation:

  1. In the Inbox editor of the user to whom the work items were originally assigned, select the work items to be moved. Then, right-click one of the work items, and then click Cut in the shortcut menu.
  2. Open the Inbox editor of the user to whom you want to re-assign the work items.
  3. In the Inbox editor, right-click in the work item versions table, and then click Paste in the shortcut menu. The work items are re-assigned to the designated user’s Inbox.

Note: You must be assigned specific access privileges to re-assign work items. These include read and write access control. If you re-assign a work item to a user who is not a valid actor for that activity, the re-assignment will fail.

Important: When you re-assign work items, the new user will not receive e-mail notification, so it is recommended that you notify them of the new work items directly.

Due Date

Workflow participants will use the Due Date field to communicate when a work item needs to be completed. In the TaskManager Summary page, users will be able to see the total number of overdue items for each work list profile. The Due Date is a system attribute for each work item. TaskManager users can read/edit Due Date at a manual activity depending on the access provided by the flow developer.

  1. When a user creates a new Work Item, if the work item name is editable then they can edit Due Date at the Work Item Name page. Click inside the Work Item Due Date field.

    At this point, you have two options, either you can enter a Due Date and Due Time or leave these fields blank. Click Finish and your data will be saved.

Note: A warning will be displayed, after submission, if a date in the past is entered as the Due Date. This is an example of leaving both Due Date and Due Time fields blank. You will leave these areas blank if you do not want a viewable Due Date.

The next image is an example of entering data inside the Due Date field. If a date is entered but the time is left blank, the time will default to 11:59 pm of the day specified.

  1. Users can open a work item through a work item viewer. The system designer has to design the Work Item viewer with an editable Due Date, read-only Due Date or no Due Date. If the Due Date is editable in the viewer than user must enter a date following the format specified. The date format can be modified in the <EPX>/bin/config.properties file (see due date configuration section). If you open a viewer with an editable Due Date option you will click inside Work Item Due Date and change the date and Due Time. After changes are made click Save or Send. If you open a viewer and the Work Item Due Date and Due Time are in grey then it is read-only and you cannot make changes.

Note: See "Process Modeling Viewer Design for Due Date Function" section in the Process Modeling guide.

  1. The Due Date also allows you to view overdue items. Click on Summary under the Work List column, the TaskManager Summary page includes a column with the total number of overdue items for each Box Profile. There is, however, another way to make the due date editable in the Design Console. You can add a new work item property with the key sys.workitem.duedate and its value is in a long format representing the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.

The due date is always reported in a long format so the viewer can display the date using the correct time zone. The server will then set the system attribute and then delete the property. You need to reopen the work item version editor to see the due date.

To make your process flow better, add a DPA that checks if the due date is not set or needs to be changed and route it to a manual activity where a user could enter the due date in a normal format and have the viewer convert it from normal to long format and send the work item through. This will update the due date as well.

If you will include an automatic activity, The Java BIC can set or update the due date. Using the BIC, create a work item property with the key as sys.workitem.duedate and value as a date in the long format representing the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.

Here is an example, with the key sys.workitem.duedate the code used is:


This will set the current date and time as the new due date.

Previous Manual Sender

Users will be able to choose to display the previous manual sender through the Box Profile in the TaskManager Inbox. The system administrator creates a Box Profile which displays the Previous Manual Sender column.

  1. Click TaskManager Inbox. Click on the Box Profile created to display the previous manual sender for that particular work item. If an activity is preceded by an automatic activity, the actor of the last manual activity prior to that automatic activity will be displayed in the Sender column.
  2. If an activity has been merged, all previous manual senders of the versions will be displayed in the sender column in the TaskManager Inbox.

Work Items in an Automatic Activity

A work item that is opened by a BIC is locked by it until it is processed and sent. If an error occurs, the lock is not cleared as the BIC can continue processing it once the error is resolved. A locked work item is considered a BIC Manager dependency. If an error on a work item version is resolved, the lock on the work item version will be released and any changes to the BIC Manager assignment at the activity will be updated in the work item version as well.

If an activity has a BIC Manager assigned to it, all work items arriving at that activity will have the BIC Manager assigned to them. This assignment will not get cleared or updated in the current implementation even if the activity assignment was modified after the work items were created. These work items are not considered dependencies.

If an activity has a BIC Manager assigned to it and the BIC Manager has been shut down, then work items arriving at this activity will still have the BIC Manager assigned to them. If the BIC Manager is deleted after removing the activity dependency, its assignment on the work items will be cleared and will be system-assigned. However, if the BIC Manager is not deleted but the activity assignment is changed to system-assigned, the work items that are already assigned to the stopped BIC Manager will remain assigned to it. Only new work items arriving at the activity will be system-assigned.