Configuring Server Properties for E-mail Notification

To configure server properties for e-mail notification:

  1. If the Server editor is not already open, right-click the server name and click Open in the shortcut menu.
  2. Click the E-mail tab. Select the Notify Users of work item via E-mail checkbox if you want to enable automatic notification of EPX users when a work item arrives in a user’s Inbox. Selecting the checkbox does not mean that all users will automatically receive e-mail notifications; rather, selecting this checkbox allows the feature to be configured for each user. When creating (or modifying) a user in the User editor, set the e-mail properties for that user on the E-mail tab (see Setting User-Level E-mail Notification Privileges ).
  3. Select None, SSL or TLS for the E-mail notification server’s security setting of EPX.
  4. In the Mail Server box, type the name of the mail server that will be sending the e-mail notification.
  5. In the Port Number box, type the port number that the mail server will be using.
  6. To authenticate the mail server’s outgoing messages, click the checkbox beside Requires Authentication. To validate the authentication, in the Login ID box, type the login ID used to access the account on the e-mail server that is sending e-mail notifications. Click the Password button to enter the password used for the e-mail server account, or to change the password.

Note: If authentication is not needed to the mail server, entering a login ID is not required.

  1. In the Default From Address box, type the originating e-mail address that will be used for e-mail notifications.
  2. In the Time Interval (minutes) box, type a rate of refresh for e-mail notification. EPX will issue notifications for any new work items that are received within the time period specified in this box.
  3. In the Expiration (days) box, type the number of days that you would like an e-mail notification to remain in the e-mail server queue before finally being removed.
  4. In the Standard Message Text box, type a generic message that will be in the body of the e-mail notification.
  5. Click Apply to save the changes.