Creating Users
To create a user in EPX, do the following:
- Open Design Console and log into the EPX server as described in Chapter 1, “Introduction.”
- In the Navigator pane, double-click the Administration folder.
- Right-click the Users folder, and click New... in the shortcut menu.
- The New window opens; on the General tab, select User to open the User editor. Follow the succeeding steps below on how to create a user. To create a group to categorize the users that you created, select the Group option. For further information, refer to the About the Group Editor section for information on creating a user group.
- On the General tab, type a name for the user. For example, jmiller. This is the name that the user will use to log into EPX.
- When creating a user ID or group ID, do not use any spaces in the name (i.e., use jmiller rather than j miller).
- User and group IDs are case sensitive.
- You should create users and roles with unique names.
In the Description box, you can provide a description for the user to identify that particular user. You can also specify whether the user is an Audit Administrator by selecting the checkbox beside the Audit Administrator option. You can indicate whether the user can be in multiple sessions by selecting the Multiple Session checkbox, or indicate if the user is inactive by selecting the Inactive checkbox.
- Click the Details tab. Type the user’s first name and last name in the appropriate boxes, and fill in as much additional information for the user as necessary. Click the Select button next to Manager and select Manager on the list.
- Click Password to enter a password for the user.
Note: Passwords are case sensitive. A strong password is necessary to proceed with the creation of the user. Refer to Configuring the Secure Password Feature of this guide for more information.
- Type the user’s password twice (once to select, once to confirm) and click OK.
- To add an address, click the Address tab, right-click in the address table, and then click Add in the shortcut menu; alternatively, in the User menu, click Add Address.
- Type the necessary address information, and then click OK.
- To add phone information, click the Phone tab, right-click in the phone table, and then click Add in the shortcut menu; alternatively, in the User menu, click Add Phone Number.
- Type the necessary phone information, and then click OK.
- To add one or more e-mail addresses for the user, click the E-mail tab, right-click in the e-mail table, and then click Add in the shortcut menu; alternatively, in the User menu, click Add E- mail.
- Type the necessary e-mail information, and then click OK.
- To add roles for the user, click the Roles tab, right-click in the roles table, and then click Add in the shortcut menu; alternatively, in the User menu, click Add Roles and then select a role to assign to the user.
Note: For more information on roles, see the Process Modeling guide.
- To add the user to one or more groups, click the Groups tab, right-click in the groups table, and then click Add in the shortcut menu; alternatively, in the User menu, click Add Groups and then select one or more groups to add the user to.
- To define access permissions for the user, click the Security tab and then set security for the user as needed. For more information on setting security, see Security .
- When you have finished setting properties for the user, click OK to close the User editor and save the settings.
Note: For more detailed information about the User editor and its tabs, see User Editor Tabs .