Enabling and Disabling BICs on a BIC Manager
When BICs are installed, they are automatically enabled and are ready for use. Using the BICs tab in the Server editor, you can disable any BIC on any of the displayed BIC managers, and you can re- enable any BIC that has been disabled. To enable or disable a BIC on a BIC manager:
- Open the Server editor for the needed server and click the BICs tab.
- Right-click the name of the BIC manager on which you want to enable or disable a BIC, and then click Open in the shortcut menu.
- On the General tab of the BIC Manager dialog, type a description of the BIC manager in the Description box, if needed.
- On the BICs tab, select the checkbox next to a BIC to enable it, or clear the checkbox next to a BIC to disable it. To enable or disable all of the BICs on the BIC manager, right-click in the BICs table, and then click Enable All or Disable All in the shortcut menu.
- Click OK to save the changes.