Installing Additional BIC Managers

You can install additional BIC managers for both standalone and distributed setups. Using the EPX 3.1 installer, follow the appropriate procedure detailed below:

Standalone Setup

  1. Open the EPX 3.1 installer.
  2. During the BIC manager installation, you must enter the name of the instance of the EPX Application Server. All EPX components that belong to the same clustered installation must share the same Unique Server Identifier. The Application Server host and port need to be the same as that of the main BIC Manager. After the BIC managers are installed, they will automatically be displayed on the BICs tab of the Server editor, as shown in the previous section.

Distributed Setup

Setup EPX 3.1 in the Server

  1. Open the EPX 3.1 installer.
  2. When prompted to select an install set, choose Custom.
  3. The succeeding screen displays Custom in the Install Set box. Components to be installed are listed in the box directly below this field, each with a corresponding checkbox to indicate whether it will be installed or not. Uncheck the BIC Manager option.
  4. Proceed with the installation. Note down the following information as you go along:
    • Server Host name
    • Server Unique ID
    • JBoss application server deployment settings

You will use these pieces of information completing the installation for the distributed setup.

  1. Finish the installation process for the server. After completing the installation for the server, proceed with setting up the BIC Manager in a machine within the distributed setup.

Setup BIC Manager in a Machine Within the Distributed Setup

  1. Open the EPX 3.1 installer.
  2. When prompted to select an install set, choose Custom.
  3. The succeeding screen displays Custom in the Install Set box. Components to be installed are listed in the box directly below this field, each with a corresponding checkbox to indicate whether it will be installed or not. Uncheck all the options except for BIC Manager.
  4. Proceed with the installation.

When prompted for the Server Unique ID, use the same Server Unique ID you noted down during the server installation process. Use the rest of the information you noted down during the EPX 3.1 server installation to complete the JBoss settings for the BIC Manager machine (JBoss application server deployment settings).

  1. When the BIC Manager Name screen appears, type in the host name of the EPX 3.1 server in your distributed setup. See the Installation guide for more information on installing the BIC Manager component.