Configuring the Command Line BIC

To optimize the Command Line BIC for your particular needs and system configuration, you need to edit the CommandLineBic.config file, installed on the BIC Manager host system in <EPX>\bin\agents\<hostname>.

The code sample below displays the default CommandLineBic.config file contents for a Windows installation:

# Available threads



# command line run-time, uncomment the appropriate

# settings depending on the installed operating system

# Example configurations below

# Windows



Thread Configuration

The minThreads and maxThreads parameters are used to control the number of concurrent threads. As threads are created, they are added to a pool. The minThreads and maxThreads settings determine the size of this pool.

minThreads is the minimum number of instances of the BIC that will be created. The lower the minThreads value, the more time will be needed for the BIC to start a new instance. By increasing the minThreads value, memory usage is increased, but processing time is decreased when a BIC instance is required. A value of zero (0), means that the thread pool can become empty when no work is done. The valid values are from 0 to 32767, with 0 as the default value.

maxThreads is the maximum number of instances of the BIC that will be created. By increasing the maxThreads value, the maximum number of concurrent BIC instances is increased, denoting that a higher volume of work can be passed to this BIC. Increasing the number too high could cause the BIC to consume the system resources on the server or servers hosting the BIC Manager and the instance of EPX’s Application Server being used. The maxThreads should have a value of at least one (1) so that at least a thread can be created to process work items. The valid values are from 1 to 32767, with 32767 as the default value.

If minThreads is greater than maxThreads, their values will automatically be swapped and a warning will be displayed in bic.log.

Shell Configuration

The appropriate and shell.args settings for your operating system are activated by the EPX installation program. The code sample above shows shell settings for a Windows installation.