Document Conventions

This EnterWorks document uses the following typographic conventions:




Pathnames are shown with backslashes, as for Windows systems.

Courier New font

Denotes sample code, for example, Java, IDL, and command line information. May be used to denote filenames and pathnames, calculations, code samples, registry keys, path and file names, URLs, messages displayed on the screen.

If italicized and in angle brackets (< >), it denotes a variable.

Calibri Font (bold)

When used in body text, it denotes an object, area, list item, button, or menu option within the graphical user interface; or a database name or database-related object. (Examples: the Save button; the Product tab; the Name field; the SKU repository)

Can also be used to denote text that is typed in a text box. (Example: Type “trackingNo” in the Name field)

Blue underlined text

Words, phrases or numbers in blue are active links that can be clicked. Clicking these active links will bring the user to the required information, steps, pages chapters, or URL.