Output Fields

A request to the Geocode service returns a GeocodeServiceResponse object that contains:
  • totalPossibleCandidates— the total number of possible candidates.
  • totalMatches— the total number of matches.
  • candidates — lists one or more candidates that matched to your input address/addresses. Matching and location information is returned for each match candidate.
  • new customValues —custom value returns.

This table describes the possible return fields available for the Geocoding Service. Not every field will be returned with a match candidate.

Field Type Description
totalPossibleCandidates Integer Indicates the total number of possible candidates.
totalMatches Integer Indicates the total number of matches.
candidates object of type Candidate, consisting of an array with one or more match candidates and associated addresses, matching and location information. Contains the following elements:
precisionLevel Integer A code describing the precision of the geocode. One of the following:

0 No coordinate information is available for this candidate address. USA addresses return 0.

1 Interpolated street address.
2 Street segment midpoint.

3 Postal code 1 centroid.

4 Partial postal code 2 centroid.

5 Postal code 2 centroid.

6 Intersection.

7 Point of interest. (If database contains POI data.)

8  State/province centroid.

9  County centroid.

10 City centroid.

11  Locality centroid.

12-15 Reserved for unspecified custom items.

16  The result is an address point.

17 The result was generated by using address point data to modify the candidate's segment data.

18 The result is an address point that was projected using the centerline offset feature. You must have both a point and a street range database to use the centerline offset feature.
19 Inside a buildling structure.

formattedStreetAddress String

The formatted main address line.

formattedLocationAddress String The formatted last address line.
identifier String An ID generated from the underlying source reference data of an address.
precisionCode String A code describing the precision of the geocode.
matching object of type FieldsMatching, consisting of an array with one or more match candidates. Contains the following elements:
matchOnAddressNumber Boolean Indicates if the input address number matched the candidate's address number.
The input address number matched the candidate's address number.
The input address number did not match the candidate's address number.
matchOnPostCode1 Boolean Indicates if the input postCode1 field matched the candidate's postCode1 field.
The input postCode1 matched the candidate's postCode1.
The input postCode1 did not match the candidate's postCode1.
matchOnPostCode2 Boolean Indicates if the input postCode2 field (post code extension) matched the candidate's postCode2 field.
The input postCode2 matched the candidate's postCode2.
The input postCode2 did not match candidate's postCode2.
matchOnAreaName1 Boolean Indicates if the input areaName1 field matched the candidate's areaName1 field.
The input areaName1 matched the candidate's areaName1.
The input areaName1 did not match the candidate's areaName1.
matchOnAreaName2 Boolean Indicates if the input areaName2 field matched the candidate's areaName2 field.
The input areaName2 matched the candidate's areaName2.
The input areaName2 did not match the candidate's areaName2.
matchOnAreaName3 Boolean Indicates if the input areaName3 field matched the candidate's areaName3 field.
The input areaName3 matched the candidate's areaName3.
The input areaName3 did not match the candidate's areaName3.
matchOnAreaName4 Boolean Indicates if the input areaName4 field matched the candidate's areaName4 field.
The input areaName4 matched the candidate's areaName4.
The input areaName4 did not match the candidate's areaName4.
matchOnStreetName Boolean Indicates if the input street name matched the candidate's street name.
The input street name matched the candidate's street name.
The input street name did not match the candidate's street name.
matchOnStreetType Boolean Indicates if the input street type matched the candidate's street type.
The input street type matched the candidate's street type.
The input street type did not match the candidate's street type.
matchOnStreetDirectional Boolean Indicates if the input street directional matched the candidate's street directional.
The input street directional matched the candidate's street directional.
The input street directional did not match the candidate's street directional.
matchOnPlaceName Boolean Indicates if the input place name matched the candidate's place name.
The input place name matched the candidate's place name.
The input place name did not match the candidate's place name.
geometry object. Returned geocode consisting of the following elements:
coordinates Double The candidate's geocode, specified as x (longitude) and y (latitiude) coordinates separated by a comma.
type String Geometry type. The return value is always Point.
crs object. Returned coordinate reference system consisting of the following elements:
properties String The coordinate reference system (CRS) used for the candidate's geocode, in epsg:nnnn format. Default is epsg:4326.
type String CRS type. The return value is always Name.
address object. Returned candidate address which may contain some of the following elements:
mainAddressLine String Candidate address line.
addressLastLine String Candidate last address line.
placeName String Firm, company, organization, business or building name.
areaName1 String State, province or region.
areaName2 String County or district.
areaName3 String City, town or suburb.
areaName4 String Locality
postCode1 String Main postal code.
postCode2 String Secondary postal code, where one exists.
country String Name of country in Alpha-2 or Alpha-3 format, or a common name of the country, such as United States of America.
addressNumber String House or building number.
streetName String Street name.
unitType String The type of unit, such as Apt., Ste. or Bldg.
unitValue String The unit number, such as "3B".
ranges: CandidateRange object. Contains information about a candidate's ranges, consisting of the following elements:
placeName String If applicable, indicates the name of the candidate's place or building.
lowHouse String Indicates the low house number in the candidate's street range.
highHouse String Indicates the high house number in the candidate's street range.
side String Provides information on the side of street that the candidate's range is located.
The range is on the left side of the street.
The range is on the right side of the street.
The range is on both the left and right side of the street.
No information is available on the side of the street this range is located.
customValues Map A map of local values associated with the candidate's range.
units: CandidateRangeUnit object. Contains information about a candidate range's units, consisting of the following elements:
placeName String If applicable, indicates the name of the candidate's place or building.
unitType String Indicates the unit type (APT, STE, etc.).
highUnitValue String Indicates the high unit number for this range unit.
lowUnitValue String Indicates the low unit number for this range unit.
customValues Map A map of local values associated with the unit.
Confidence Integer The Confidence value for USA candidates is available as a custom output field on the candidate. The key is “CONFIDENCE”.
MatchScore Integer MatchScore is a number from 0-100 that indicates how much the input was changed in order to match to the output candidate. It currently looks at certain fields including the house and unit numbers, street name, directional, and type, as well as postcode and area name fields. A score of 100 means that all the input fields checked exactly matched the output candidate. It is available for all countries, and the calculation is consistent from one country to another. Note: The Output data (in italics) determines how the penalty is based. See the examples below:

MatchScore Full Example-USA: 187 S Allan Rd #1B, Albny, NY -> 187 S Allen St APT 1B, Albany, NY 12208

Match score = 72
Fields Place Name House Num Street Dir Street Name Street Type Unit Num Locality AN4 City AN3 State AN1 PC1 Country
Input - 187 S Allan Rd 1 - Albny NY - USA
Output - 187 S Allen St 1 - Albany NY 12208 USA
MatchScore Full Example-Germany: Gentter 53A, 13352 Berlin->Genter Straße 53A, 13353 Berlin
Match score = 73
Fields Place Name House Num Street Dir Street Name Street Type Unit Num Locality AN4 City AN3 State AN1 PC1 Country
Input - 53A - Gentter - - - Berlin - 13352 DEU
Output - 53A - Genter Str - Wedding Berlin Berlin 13353 DEU