SugarCRM Limitations

  1. For both UPDATE and UPSERT queries, an UPSERT operation is performed.
  2. When writing records in batches, if a job takes more time than specified in the installer, you may face rollback exceptions. In such cases, you need to either decrease the batch size or increase the timeout limit.
    Note: The timeout limit needs to be set as com.atomikos.icatch.default_jta_timeout = 300000 in the file here: <Spectrum Install Directory>\server\modules\datafederation\conf.
  3. The Nullable and Updatable columns in the table properties, as displayed in the physical model Schema of the connection, may not represent the correct operation. For example, a column not marked as Updatable may throw system exception when you try to update it and conversely, a column marked as Nullable might not throw an exception in updating.
  4. When querying using joins you need to use an alias.