Components of the SDK Java API

The key components to use a Big Data Quality SDK job using the Java API are:
JAR Files
  1. Hadoop JAR files.
  2. The JAR files of the module to which the desired Big Data Quality SDK job belongs, as indicated in the table:
    Module Job JAR File
    Advanced Matching Module All AMM jobs amm.core-12.0.jar
    Data Normalization Module All DNM jobs dnm.core-12.0.jar
    Universal Addressing Module Validate Address uam-universaladdress.core-12.0.jar
    Universal Addressing Module Validate Address Global uam-global.core-12.0.jar
    Universal Addressing Module Validate Address Loqate uam-loqate.core-12.0.jar
    Universal Name Module All UNM jobs unm.core-12.0.jar
Configuration Files
Files in XML format containing all parameters and values required to run a job, including match rules, input file details, output file details, MapReduce or Spark configuration details, and the like.

Sample configuration XML files are placed at the location <Big Data Quality bundle>\samples\configuration.

Client Java Application
Java application to use the API to create and run the required Big Data Quality SDK job provided by its Java API.
Hadoop Platform
The created job accesses the configured Hadoop platform to access input data and dump the output data in a file.