Reporting Counters

The Validate Address Loqate job allows you to monitor the results of the job. The counters available are:
  1. Original Postal Code Confirmed via Address Match
  2. Total Records Successfully Matched
  3. House Mismatch
  4. Total Records for which Address Validation Attempted
  5. Input Record Count
  6. Number Range Mismatch
  7. Total Records Valid on Input
  8. No Postal Code Available
  9. Total Unmatched Recorded
  10. Total Corrected
  11. Total Unmatched Records
  12. Postal Code Corrected via Address Match
  13. Standard Address Returned Successfully
  14. Address Records Processed
  15. Street Mismatch
  16. Original Postal Code Retained
  17. Records Processed by LOQATE