Preferred child wedge—Determines the angular range of the sector that will be
reserved for the children of a root entity. The possible angular range lies
between 1 and 359. The smaller the chosen value, the greater the impression that
the entities drive away from their root entities and the center of the model.
Generally speaking, the compactness of the layout will decrease with smaller
values. Very small values will lead to layouts that consume a lot of space.
Minimum relationship length—Determines the minimal length of an
relationship that connects two entities that lie on separate circles. The
smaller the chosen value, the more compact the resulting layout.
Maximum deviation angle—Determines the allowed angular deviation from
the optimal relationship direction. The bigger the chosen value, the more
compact the resulting layout. If a value smaller than 90 degrees is chosen,
then the tree relationships might cross through the circular arranged
Compactness—Influences the length of the tree relationships as it is
computed by the layout. The smaller the compactness factor, the shorter the
tree-relationships and the more compact the overall layout. The bigger the
compactness factor the more difficult, and hence slower, the layout
Minimum entity distance—Determines the minimal distance between the
borders of two adjacent entities on the circle/the disk's boundary. The
smaller the distance, the more compact the resulting layout.
Allow overlaps—Further increases compactness of the resulting layout,
but potentially introduces slight entity overlaps.