Lineage and Impact Analysis Technology Preview

The Spectrum team is excited to share with you a preview of a major new feature: Lineage and Impact Analysis. This technology preview is an early implementation of Lineage and Impact Analysis containing the fundamental capabilities that we think you’ll find most useful. We intend to add significant new capabilities in future releases, so to help make sure we are adding the features you want, we are making this technology preview available to you now. Your feedback will help guide the evolution of Lineage and Impact Analysis.

As you explore Lineage and Impact Analysis, keep this in mind:

  • This technology preview contains a limited set of features. When you find yourself saying "I wish I could…", let us know by filing an enhancement request with technical support. Your suggestions will help determine what features we add in future releases. For information about contacting technical support, see .
  • Even the best software has some bugs. When you encounter a bug, let us know by submitting a bug report to technical support. Since this is a technology preview, we cannot guarantee that we will resolve your specific problem right away. For information about contacting technical support, see .
  • Feel free to use this technology preview in your production environment. Keep in mind that we cannot adhere to normal service level agreements (SLAs) for technology previews.
  • We expect to get interesting and unanticipated feedback which could dramatically affect the next release of Lineage and Impact Analysis, so we cannot guarantee that you will be able to preserve all the work you do with Lineage and Impact Analysis when you upgrade to future releases.
  • Use your judgment when it comes to making business decisions based on insights generated with this technology preview. We cannot adhere to normal service level agreements (SLAs) for features that are in technology preview.

We hope you enjoy experimenting with Lineage and Impact Analysis and look forward to hearing your feedback.