Envelope Coordinates

Returns the latitude/longitude coordinates of the corners of a minimum bounding rectangle. For additional information on minimum bounding rectangles, see the Geometry type Envelope.

Table 1. Envelope Coordinates Options

Option Name


Geometry field The field that contains the envelope (minimum bounding rectangle) whose coordinates you want to return.

This field also accepts geometries that are generated by stages in the Enterprise Routing Module, such as a LineString or Polygon.

Lower left latitude field The output field that you want to contain the latitude of the lower left corner of the minimum bounding rectangle.
Lower left longitude field The output field that you want to contain the longitude of the lower left corner of the minimum bounding rectangle.
Upper right latitude field The output field that you want to contain the latitude of the upper right corner of the minimum bounding rectangle.
Upper right longitude field The output field that you want to contain the longitude of the upper right corner of the minimum bounding rectangle.