Roles and Permissions

Spectrum Visual Insights™ consists of pre-defined user profiles with pre-set privileges for each specific profile.

Any Spectrum Visual Insights™ user can be assigned any of these pre-defined roles.

User Profiles Privilege Description
Visual Insights Admin A Visual Insights Administrator grants permissions and privileges to Visual Insights Author and Visual Insights Consumer, and is priviledged to write, edit or delete reports.
Visual Insights Author A Visual Insights Author allows users to create new reports and dashboards with access and provides access to all other features existing in the Visual Insights web interface. The Visual Insights Author cannot delete reports and dashboards created by other Visual Insight users.
Visual Insights Consumer A Visual Insights Consumer allows users to view reports. The users can also refresh and schedule their reports.
Note: The Spectrum Visual Insights™ specific user roles are created in Management Console. For more information about creating user roles, see the Administration Guide.

The table provides information about the permissions provided to each role:

Permission Visual Insights Admin Visual Insights Author Visual Insights Consumer
Set or change the access filter on a report Y Y N
Create and edit Groups Y N N
Create Ad Hoc reports Y Y N
See outstanding report approvals Y Y N
Perform advanced operations on CSV reports Y Y N
Create views against Stored Procedures Y Y N
Translate user entered data on dashboards Y Y N
Allows users to read CRUD CRUD R
Create and use bookmarks and snapshots Y Y N
Broadcast reports on a one-off or scheduled basis CRUD CRUD CRUD
Set up and manage Client Organizations Y N N
Create Composite Views Y Y N
Configure report categories Y Y N
Create CSV tables within a view Y Y N
Create reports with drop-down User Prompt filters populated by custom SQL queries Y Y N
Create and edit Public dashboards CRUD CRUD R
Set a refresh period on Dashboard reports Y Y N
Create and edit Data Sources Y CRUD N
Create and edit all data sources regardless of security restrictions Y Y N
Create and edit Database Views Y Y N
Distribute reports or Dashboard Tabs to other users Y Y N
Displays a list of recently accessed draft content on the Dashboard and Browse pages Y Y N
Shows Views being edited by other users Y Y N
Use Co-Display Y Y N
Write reports based on CSV files Y Y N
Export report results to CSV Y Y Y
Export content items to DOC Y Y Y
Export content items to XLS Y Y Y
Export content items to PDF Y Y Y
Export content to XML files for backup or transfer to another system Y Y N
Add reports to their favorites list Y Y N
Set default values for cached filters to the minimum and maximum cached value Y Y N
Remove links to embed reports and dashboards using the JavaScript API N N Y
Remove external direct links to reports and dashboards N N Y
Hide Report SQL from users. If this function is enabled N N Y
Removes the User ID option in My Profile N N N
Import content from XML files Y Y N
Specify how users are authenticated Y N N
Choose which Predefined Date Filters are available Y Y N
Create and edit tags Y Y N
Log in and view reports Y Y N
Broadcast reports to external users Y Y Y
Broadcast reports with access filters to external users. The credentials of the user who creates the broadcast will be used to send the report to external users Y Y N
Bypass concurrent login limitations Y N N
Connect to OLAP Data Sources Y N N
Modify system parameters Y N N
Configure the page layout (integration settings) Y N N
Create and edit Public reports Y Y N
Access to the dashboard page Y Y N
Send an Ad Hoc email copy of a report Y Y N
Archive report result sets Y Y N
Create freehand SQL reports Y Y N
View draft versions of Public reports created by other users Y Y N
Set the support email address Y N N
Create data source filters Y N N
Create SSRS Reports Y N N
Create Sub Queries on reports Y Y N
View System Information Y Y N
View and update their User Profile Y N N
Create users Y N N
This function is required for a user account that will be used to access to Web Services Y Y N
Allows users to view License details and upload new License files Y N N
Allows users to create and edit security roles Y N N
Allows users to access their timeline Y Y Y
Allows users to connect to other users through their timeline Y Y Y
Allows users to browse and contribute to discussion topics CRUD CRUD R
Allows users full access to all discussion topics Y N N
Allows users to import and delete geometry packs Y N N
Create Freehand SQL Calculated Fields in reports Y Y N
Create Freehand SQL views Y Y N
Shows Dashboards being edited by other users Y N N
View the current background execution queue Y N N
Manage View and Field Categories from the Admin Console Y N N
Manage Org Reference Codes from the Admin Console Y Y N
Manage the dynamically loaded classes Y N N