Search Area

The search area options set the search constraints to use when matching, such as to a city, finance area, or within a specified search radius distance that can be limited to the input state. The search area options can assist in finding a match when the input address contains limited or inaccurate city or ZIP Code information.

The following example illustrates the different match results for an input address that contains an incorrect ZIP Code when setting the Search Area to City, then to Finance Area.

Input Address Match with Search Area set to City Match with Search Area set to Finance Area

100 Main St
East Aurora, NY 14166

Input address has an incorrect ZIP Code.

EAST AURORA NY 14052-1633

Match is made to East Aurora 14052 as there is no candidate in the 14166 input ZIP Code.

DUNKIRK NY 14048-1844

Same finance area as the input ZIP Code 14166.