Address Now Summary Report

Input Name/Address

This section contains high-level counts for the job.

  • Input Record Count—The total number of input addresses for the job.
  • Address Records Processed—The total number of input addresses for the job.
  • Total Records For Which Address Validation Attempted—The number of input records for which validation was attempted.
  • Total Records Successfully Matched—The number of input addresses that were validated or corrected. This is the number of input addresses that did not result in a status of "F".
  • Total Unmatched Records—The number of input addresses that could not be validated or corrected. This is equal to the number of input addresses that resulted in a status of "F".
  • Standard Address Returned Successfully—The number of unmatched (failed) addresses that Validate Global Address standardized. Standardization only happens if the option Return standardized data when no match is found is enabled. For more information, see Output Data Options.

Address Standardization Results Component Population Counts

This section shows the number of address elements that Validate Global Address standardized in this job. It includes both the total number for each element and the percentage of the total number that was standardized. For example, if Street Name shows a count of 6 and a percent of 11 and a percent of 92%, it means that there were 11 street names that were standardized in the job, and that represents 92% of the total number of street names in the job.

Address Validation Results

This section lists the validation levels for the job. For more information on validation levels, see The ACR Code.

Address Correction Results

This section lists the component status portion of the Address Correction Result (ACR) codes for this job. The top row of the table lists the component status codes. The body of the table lists the counts for each address element. For example, the number of street names that had an component status code of 0, the number that had a code of 1, and so forth. For more information on the component status portion of the ACR code, see The ACR Code.

Validation/Correction Records

This section lists information about postal code validation and correction.

  • Original Postal Code Confirmed Via Address Match—The number of addresses whose ACR component status for the postal code is 2.
  • Postal Code Corrected Via Address Match—The number of input postal codes that were incorrect but were corrected by Validate Global Address.
  • Original Postal Code Retained—The number of addresses whose ACR component status for the postal code is 1.
  • No Postal Code Available—The postal data contained no postal code for the address.

Matched Records

This section lists information about input addresses that were matched to known addresses in the Address Now Module database.

  • Total Records Valid On Input—The number of addresses that were confirmed to be correct.
  • Total Corrected—The number of addresses that Validate Global Address corrected.
  • Total Records Successfully Matched—The total number of addresses that were either validated or corrected successfully.

Unmatched Records

This section lists information about input addresses that Validate Global Address was not able to confirm or correct.

  • Street Mismatch—The number of addresses whose street could not be validated or corrected.
  • House Mismatch—The number of addresses whose house number that could not be validated or corrected.
  • Total Unmatched Records—The total number of addresses that could not be validated or corrected.

Records Processed

This section lists the number of records processed for each region.

  • Records Processed By US—The number of addresses processed by U.S. matching logic.
  • Records Processed By Canada—The number of addresses processed by Canadian matching logic.
  • Records Processed By International—The number of addresses processed by international (non-U.S. and non-Canada) matching logic.
  • Total Records Processed—The total number of records in the job.