
Global Address Validation output is determined by the output options you select.

Standard Address Output

Standard address output consists of address lines which correspond to how the address would appear on an address label. City, state or province, postal code, and other data are also included in the standard address output.

Table 1. Standard Address Output
Field Name Format Description
AddressBlock1-2 String The AddressBlock output fields contain a formatted version of the standardized or normalized address as it would be printed on a physical mailpiece. Global Address Validation formats the address into address blocks using postal authority standards. Each line of the address is returned in a separate address block field. There can be up to two address block output fields: AddressBlock1 and AddressBlock2.

AddressBlock1 includes:

  • Firm Name
  • Unit Number
  • Unit Type
  • House Number
  • Street Name

AddressBlock2 includes:

  • Locality
  • Town
  • Postal Code
  • County
  • State

For example, this input address:

AddressLine1: 34 Glenview Road
City: Mount Kurning-Gai StateProvince: NSW PostalCode: 2080

Results in this address block output:

AddressBlock1: 34 Glenview Road
AddressBlock2: Mount Kurning-Gai NSW 2080

AddressLine1 String The first address line. For example, 34 GLENVIEW ROAD MOUNT KURNING-GAI NSW 2080.
ApartmentLabel String The flat or unit type. For example, 39 Acacia Avenue Flat B.
ApartmentNumber String The flat or unit number. For example, 39 Acacia Avenue Flat B.
Building String The name of a building.
City String The city or town name. Your input address should use the official city name to produce the best match results.
City.Matched String The status of the city match.
Matched on the city name.
Did not match on the city name.
CitySubdivision String The name of one of the following depending on the country:
  • Locality—BRA, GBR, GRC, ITA, ESP
  • Suburb—NZL
CitySubdivision.Matched String The status of the match on city subdivision.
Matched on the city subdivision.
Did not match on the city subdivision.
Confidence String The level of confidence assigned to the address being returned. Range is from zero (0) to 100. Zero indicates failure. 100 indicates a very high level of confidence that the match results are correct.
Country String The country in the language or code specified in the Country format option. For a list of ISO codes, see ISO Country Codes and Module Support.
Country specific fields String The country specific output information. To include the country specific output information in the output, check the Country specific fields output option.
FirmName String The name of a company.
HouseNumber String The house number. For example, 39 Acacia Avenue.
Housenumber.Matched String The status of the match on house number.
Matched on the house number.
Did not match on the house number.
LeadingDirectional String The leading directional. For example, 123 E Main St Apt 3.
MatchOnAllStreetFields String The status of the match on all street fields.
Matched on all street fields.
Did not match on all street fields.
MatchOnStreetDirectional String The status of the match on street directional.
Matched on the street directional.
Did not match on the street directional.
MultimatchCount String If the address was matched to multiple candidate addresses in the reference data, this field contains the number of candidate matches found.
PostalCode String The postal code for the address. The format of the postal code varies by country.
PostalCode.AddOn String The second part of a postal code. This field is not used by most countries.
Postalcode.Matched String The status of the match on postal code.
Matched on the postal code.
Did not match on the postal code.
Principality String An area within a country. For example, England, Scotland, and Wales are principalities. This field will normally be blank.
ProcessedBy String The Global Addressing Module stage name.
StateProvince String The name of one of the state or province depending on the country:
  • Not used—BEL, CHE, DNK, IRL, NLD, NOR
  • Bundesland—DEU
  • Province (voivodship)—POL
  • Region—AUT, ESP, FRA, GBR, GRC, NZL
  • Region (län)—FIN
  • Region (lan)—SWE
  • State—AUS, BRA
  • State (negeri)—MYS
StateProvince.Matched String The status of the match on state or province.
Matched on the state or province.
Did not match on the state or province.
StateProvinceSubdivision String The name of the state or province subdivision depending on the country.
  • Not used—AUT, BRA, FIN, GBR, MYS
  • Department—FRA
  • District—GRC
  • District (fylke/counties)—NOR
  • District (poviat)—POL
  • Kommun—SWE
  • Kreis—DEU
  • Local Government Authority (LGA)—AUS
  • Province—BEL, CHE, DNK, ESP, IRL, ITA, NLD
  • Region—NZL
StateProvinceSubdivision.Matched String The status of the match on state or province subdivision.
Matched on the state or province subdivision.
Did not match on the state or province subdivision.
StreetName String The name of street where the property is located. For example, 123 E Main St.
StreetName.Matched String The status of the match on street name.
Matched on the street name.
Did not match on the street name.
StreetType String The street type. For example, 123 E Main St Apt 3. In another example, 123 E Main Ave Apt 3. These are two entirely different entities. Using street types adds precision to your data.
StreetType.Matched String The status of the match on street type.
Matched on the street type.
Did not match on the street type.
TrailingDirectional String The trailing directional. For example, 123 Pennsylvania Ave NW.
Vendor Code String The vendor code. This field is only available if you select the output option "Country specific fields".

Parsed Input

The output can include the input address in parsed form. This type of output is referred to as "parsed input." Parsed input fields contain the address data that was used as input regardless of whether or not Global Address Validation validated the address. This information is not available when the address is validated at the postal / city level . It is available when an address gets validated at the street level. To include parsed input fields in the output, check the Parsed address output option.

Table 2. Parsed Input
Field Name Format Description
ParsedAddressLine1.Input String The first address line passed on input.
ParsedCity.Input String The city/locality/suburb name passed on input.
ParsedCountry.Input String The country passed on input.
ParsedHouseNumber.Input String The house number passed on input. For example, 123 E Main St Apt 3.
ParsedPostStreetType.Input String The street type passed on input. For example, 123 E Main St Apt 3.


The output can include the precision code that describes the precision of the address match for the input address. To include the precision code in the output, check the Precision output option.
Note: The "Precision code counts" section on the Match Analysis Report only displays when you check the "Precision" output option.
Table 3. Precision
Field Name Format Description
PrecisionCode String A code describing the precision of the address match.

The matches in the "Z" category indicate that a match was made at the postal code level.

Postal match with postal code 1.
Postal match with partial post code 2.
Postal match with postal code 2.
Geographic match with area name 1.
Geographic match with area name 2.
Geographic match with area name 3.
Geographic match with area name 4.

The matches in the "S" category indicate that the record was matched to a single address candidate.

Validated at a street intersection.
Match at the house-level that has been projected from the nearest segment.
Parts of the address may have matched the source data.
Validated at a street.
Validated at a street address.
Located at a street address that has been interpolated between houses.
Match located at the house.

For S (street matched) precision codes, eight additional characters describe how closely the address matches an address in the database. The characters appear in the order shown.

For example, the result code S5--N-SCZA represents a single match that matched the street name, street suffix direction, town, and postal code. The dashes indicate that there was no match on house number, street prefix direction, or thoroughfare type. The match came from the Street Range Address database. This record would be matched at the street address level of the match candidate.

House number match.
Street prefix (pre-directional). P is present if any of these conditions are satisfied:
  • The candidate pre-directional matches the input pre-directional.
  • The candidate post-directional matches the input pre-directional after pre- and post-directionals are swapped.
  • The input does not have a pre-directional.
Street name match.
Street/thoroughfare type match.
Street suffix (post-directional).
  • The candidate post-directional matches the input post-directional.
  • The candidate pre-directional matches the input post-directional after pre- and post-directionals are swapped.
  • The input does not have a post-directional.
City or town name.
Postal code match.
Addressing dataset match.
Custom user dictionary match.

Input Address

The output can include the input address. To include the input address, check the Input address output option.

Table 4. Input Address
Field Name Format Description
AddressLine1.Input String The first address line passed on input.
City.Input String The city/locality/suburb name passed on input.
CitySubdivision.Input String The city/town subdivision passed on input.
StateProvince.Input String The state/province passed on input.
StateProvinceSubdivision.Input String The state/province subdivision passed on input.
PostalCode.Input String The postal code passed on input.
Country.Input String The country passed on input.
FirmName.Input String The firm name passed on input.

Country Specific Fields

The output can include country specific fields. To include country specific fields in the output, check the Country specific fields output option.

Table 5. Australia (AUS) Country Specific Fields
Field Name Format Description
AUS.GNAF_PARCEL_ID String The GNAF parcel identifier.
AUS.GNAF_PID String The GNAF Persistent Identifier (GNAF PID) is a 14-character alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies each GNAF address. The PID is constructed from a combination of the major address fields of the GNAF Dictionary. For example, GAVIC421397369.
AUS.GNAF_PRINCIPAL_PID String The Persistent Identifier of the principal address.
AUS.GNAF_ADDRESS_CLASS String The GNAF address classification.
AUS.GNAF_SA1 String The GNAF Statistical Area Level 1 (SA1) identifier.
AUS.LEVEL_NUMBER String The number of a floor or level in a multi-story building. For example, Floor 2, 17 Jones Street.
Table 6. United Kingdom (GBR) Country Specific Fields
Field Name Format Description
GBR.DEPENDENT_STREET_ NAME String The addresses in the United Kingdom may contain two street names: a main street name and dependent street name. Some addresses may not contain a street name at all.
GBR.DEPENDENT_LOCALITY String The dependent locality name. A dependent locality is a large village or district. For example, Wimbledon.
GBR.DOUBLE_DEPENDENT_ LOCALITY String The double dependent locality name. A double dependent locality is a small village or subdistrict.
GBR.HISTORIC_POSTCODE String If the input address contained an old postal code that has been replaced by a new postal code, this field contains the old postal code.
GBR.ALIASED_LOCALITY String A locality that is not part of the postal address.
GBR.OSAPR String The Ordnance Survey Address Point reference (OSAPR). Each address has a unique OSAPR. OSAPRs are always 18 characters long and must start with the letters AP.
GBR.UPRN String The Unique Property Reference Number. The UPRN is a unique identifier that provides a persistent reference to a unique property, regardless of changes in the property name, status, subdivision, use (such as from single occupancy to multiple occupancy), or demolition of the property. All historic, alternative, and provisional addresses are recorded against the same UPRN. The UPRN field is not returned for Northern Ireland addresses.
GBR.RPC String The RPC identifies the positional accuracy of the candidate. The RPC describes the accuracy of the coordinates allocated to the address.
Table 7. Ireland (IRL) Country Specific Fields
Field Name Format Description
IRL.EIRCODE String The Eircode for the address. The Eircode is a seven character alpha-numeric code made up of two parts.
Routing key
The first three characters define a principal post town span of delivery.
Unique Identifier
The last four characters uniquely identify each residential and business address.
Table 8. Italy (ITA) Country Specific Fields
Field Name Format Description
ITA.HISTORICALPOSTCODE String The previous postal code for this address.
Table 9. Netherlands (NLD) Country Specific Fields
Field Name Format Description
NLD.EXTENED_POST_CODE String This field is both an input and output field that supports a 6-digit postal code. The output contains a candidate’s 6-digit postal code if one is available.
Table 10. New Zealand (NZL) Country Specific Fields
Field Name Format Description
NZL.ALIASED_SUBURB String The New Zealand aliased suburb. An alternative to the officially-recognized suburb name.