
Global Address Validation uses the default options settings to define address validation processing.

Table 1. Global Address Validation Options
Option Name Country Support Description
Database All The database to use for address processing. Only databases that have been defined in the Database Resources panel in the Management Console are available.
Casing All The format for the returned address:
The output data is returned in a mixed case format. For example, 100 Main Street.
The output data is returned in an all lower case format. For example, 100 main street.
The output data is returned in an all upper case format. For example, 100 MAIN STREET. Default.
Default country All The default country for address processing.
To improve coding performance when your input addresses do not contain country information, set up an additional instance of the Global Address Validation stage as a preliminary stage to process and retrieve the country code for the input addresses.
  1. Set up an additional instance of the Global Address Validation stage as a preliminary (first) stage in your dataflow.

    Give the preliminary stage a unique label. For example, "Identify Country".

    Specify "World" as the default country for the preliminary stage.

    The preliminary stage uses the available input address elements with additional data sources (available when you select "World" as the default country) to determine the country code. The "country-coded" output from the preliminary stage becomes the input for the next step in the dataflow.

  2. As the next step in the dataflow, the addresses are sent through a second Global Address Validation stage with the proper country code (retrieved in the preliminary stage) to validate the address to the street/house/premise level.
Return multiple addresses All The number of match candidates to return. Using a looser Match Mode setting such as "Relaxed" can result in the matching output including multiple match candidates. The specified number of match candidates are presented to the user to select the desired match candidate. If an exact match is found, the single match candidate is returned.
City fallback All When a street level match cannot be made, use the input city to determine match candidates.
Postal fallback All When a street level match cannot be made, use the input postal code to determine match candidates.
Prefer postal code over city AUS Prefer candidates matching the input postal code over matches to input city. Default = disabled.
Match mode All Match modes determine the leniency used to make a match between the input address and the reference data. Select one of the following match modes based on the quality of your input and your desired output.
A very tight match. This restrictive mode generates the fewest match candidates. When using this mode, ensure that your input is very clean; free of misspellings and incomplete addresses.
A loose match. This mode generates the most match candidates and results in more multiple matches. Use this mode if you are not confident that your input is clean and free of misspellings and incomplete addresses.
A custom match. Allows you to define the matching criteria by selecting Custom Match Fields.
Custom match fields All These options set the match criteria for determining match candidates. To enable these options, you must set the Match Mode to Custom. By default, these options are disabled.
Address number
A match must be made to the input address number.
A match must be made to the input street name, type, and directional fields.
A match must be made to the input address city.
City subdivision
A match must be made to the input address city subdivision.
A match must be made to the input address state or province.
State/province subdivision
A match must be made to the input address state or province subdivision.
A match must be made to the input address postal code.
Output options All The elements to be returned by Global Address Validation processing:
Parsed address
The parsed address elements (for example, Address Line 1, postal codes, and country). The meaning of some of these fields may vary by country. Do not select Parsed address when returning G/Z level matches.
A code describing the precision of the address match.
Input address
Returns the original input address.
Country specific fields
Returns country-specific output information.