Configuration Files

These tables describe the parameters and the values you need to specify before you run the Validate Address job.

Table 1. inputFileConfig
Parameter Description
pb.bdq.input.type Input file type. The values can be: file, TEXT, or ORC.
pb.bdq.inputfile.path The path where you have placed the input file on HDFS. For example, /home/hadoop/uamus.txt
textinputformat.record.delimiter File record delimiter used in the text type input file. For example, LINUX, MACINTOSH, or WINDOWS
pb.bdq.inputformat.field.delimiter Field or column delimiter used in the input file, such as comma (,) or tab.
pb.bdq.inputformat.text.qualifier Text qualifiers, if any, in the columns or fields of the input file.
pb.bdq.inputformat.file.header Comma-separated value of the headers used in the input file.
pb.bdq.inputformat.skip.firstrow If the first row is to be skipped from processing. The values can be True or False, where True indicates skip.
Table 2. uamusConfig
Parameter Description
pb.bdq.job.type This is a constant value that defines the job. The value for this job is: UniversalAddressingValidate. Name of the job. Default is UAMUniversalAddressingSample. The path where you have placed the reference data. For example, {"dataDir":"/home/hduser/ReferenceData/ AddressQuality/UAM-US", "referenceDataPathLocation":"LocaltoDataNodes"}
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.input.configuration Json string to define input configurations, such as, Process Type, Elements of Output Address, and Number of the Report Lists.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.general.configuration Json string to define general configurations, such as, the File Type, Memory Model, and Suitelink Memory Model.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.cobol.runtime The cobol runtime directory path. For example, /home/hduser/PBSpectrum_BigDataSDK/SDK/ runtime
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.modules.dir Path where the modules directory resides. For example, /home/hduser/PBSpectrum_BigDataSDK/ SDK/modules
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.dpv.db.path The path where Delivery Point Validation (DPV) database resides. For example, /home/hduser/ReferenceData/ AddressQuality/UAM/Data
Note: This parameter is optional.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.ews.db.path The path of the Early Warning System (EWS) database. For example, /home/hduser/ReferenceData/ AddressQuality/UAM/Data
Note: This parameter is optional.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.lacs.db.path The path where Locatable Address Conversion System (LACS) database resides. For example, /home/hduser/ReferenceData/ AddressQuality/UAM/Data
Note: This parameter is optional.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.rdi.db.path The path where Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI) database resides. For example, /home/hduser/ReferenceData/ AddressQuality/UAM/Data
Note: This parameter is optional.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.suitelink.db.path The suitelink database path. For example, /home/hduser/ReferenceData/ AddressQuality/UAM/Data
Note: This parameter is optional. Specify true, if you want to generate a report on successful completion.
Table 3. uamusConfigHDFSRefData(DataDownloader)
Parameter Description
pb.bdq.job.type This is a constant value that defines the job. The value for this job is: UniversalAddressingValidate. Name of the job. Default is UAMUniversalAddressingSample. Path of reference data on HDFS and the data downloader path. For example, {"referenceDataPathLocation":"HDFS", "dataDir":"/user/root/ReferenceData/UAM-US", "dataDownloader":{"dataDownloader":"HDFS", "localFSRepository":"/opt/PitneyBowes/ ReferenceData/UAM-US"}}
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.input.configuration Json string to define input configurations, such as, Process Type, Elements of Output Address, and Number of the Report Lists.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.general.configuration Json string to define general configurations, such as, the File Type, Memory Model, and Suitelink Memory Model.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.cobol.runtime The cobol runtime directory path. For example, /home/hduser/PBSpectrum_BigDataSDK/SDK/ runtime
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.modules.dir Path where the modules directory resides. For example, /home/hduser/PBSpectrum_BigDataSDK/ SDK/modules
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.dpv.db.path The path where Delivery Point Validation (DPV) database resides. For example, hdfs:///user/hduser/ReferenceData/ AddressQuality/UAM/
Note: This parameter is optional.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.ews.db.path The path of the Early Warning System (EWS) database. For example, hdfs:///user/hduser/ReferenceData/ AddressQuality/UAM/
Note: This parameter is optional.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.lacs.db.path The path where Locatable Address Conversion System (LACS) database resides. For example, hdfs:///user/hduser/ReferenceData/ AddressQuality/UAM/
Note: This parameter is optional.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.rdi.db.path The path where Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI) database resides. For example, hdfs:///user/hduser/ReferenceData/ AddressQuality/UAM/
Note: This parameter is optional. Specify true, if you want to generate a report on successful completion.
Table 4. uamusConfigDistributedCache
Parameter Description
pb.bdq.job.type This is a constant value that defines the job. The value for this job is: UniversalAddressingValidate. Name of the job. Default is UAMUniversalAddressingSample. Path of the reference data on HDFS and the type of data downloader. For example, {"dataDir":"/user/hduser/ReferenceData/ AddressQuality/UAM", "referenceDataPathLocation":"HDFS", "dataDownloader":{"dataDownloader":"DC"}}
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.input.configuration Json string to define input configurations, such as, Process Type, Elements of Output Address, and Number of the Report Lists.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.general.configuration Json string to define general configurations, such as, the File Type, Memory Model, and Suitelink Memory Model.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.acushare.license The path where you have placed the acushare license file. For example, /home/hduser/runcbl.alc
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.acushare.service A true value indicates that acushare service is running.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.unix.version Specifies the Unix version of your cluster node. For example, REDHAT7.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.cobol.runtime The cobol runtime directory path. For example, /home/hduser/PBSpectrum_BigDataSDK/SDK/ runtime
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.modules.dir Path where the modules directory resides. For example, /home/hduser/PBSpectrum_BigDataSDK/ SDK/modules
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.dpv.db.path The path where Delivery Point Validation (DPV) database resides. For example, /home/hduser/ReferenceData/ AddressQuality/UAM/Data
Note: This parameter is optional.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.ews.db.path The path of the Early Warning System (EWS) database. For example, /home/hduser/ReferenceData/ AddressQuality/UAM/Data
Note: This parameter is optional.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.lacs.db.path The path where Locatable Address Conversion System (LACS) database resides. For example, /home/hduser/ReferenceData/ AddressQuality/UAM/Data
Note: This parameter is optional.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.rdi.db.path The path where Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI) database resides. For example, /home/hduser/ReferenceData/ AddressQuality/UAM/Data
Note: This parameter is optional.
pb.bdq.uam.universaladdress.suitelink.db.path The suitelink database path. For example, /home/hduser/ReferenceData/ AddressQuality/UAM/Data
Note: This parameter is optional. Specify true, if you want to generate a report on successful completion.
Table 5. mapReduceConfig
Specifies the MapReduce configuration parameters
Use this file to customize MapReduce parameters, such as, mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb and, as needed for your job.
Table 6. outputFileConfig
Parameter Description
pb.bdq.output.type Specify if the output is in: file, TEXT, or ORC format.
pb.bdq.outputfile.path The path where you want the output file to be generated on HDFS. For example, /home/hadoop/output.
pb.bdq.outputformat.field.delimiter Field or column delimiter in the output file, such as comma (,) or tab.
pb.bdq.output.overwrite For a true value, the output folder is overwritten every time job is run.
pb.bdq.outputformat.headerfile.create Specify true, if the output file needs to have a header.
pb.bdq.job.print.counters.console If the counters are printed on console or in a file. True indicates counters are printed on the console
pb.bdq.job.counter.file.path Path and the name of the file to which the counters are to be printed. You need to specify this if value in the pb.bdq.job.print.counters.console is false.