Input Parameters

Parameter Description
Validate Address Loqate Engine Configuration To set configurations for performing the validations:
  1. Verbose
  2. Tool Info
  3. Output Address Format
  4. Log Input
  5. Log Output
  6. Log File Name
  7. Match Score Absolute Threshold
  8. Match Score Threshold Factor
  9. Postal Code Max Results
  10. Strict Reference Match
Validate Address Loqate Validate Configuration To configure these settings for the input:
  1. Include Standard Address
  2. Include Matched Address Elements
  3. Standardized Input Address Elements
  4. Return Address Data Blocks
  5. Output Casing
  6. Include Result Codes for Individual Fields
  7. Return Multiple Addresses
  8. Failed On Multi Match Found
  9. Multiple Address Count
  10. Country Format
  11. Default Country
  12. Script Alphabet
  13. Return Geocoded Address Fields
  14. Acceptance Level
  15. Minimum Match Score
  16. Format Data Using AMAS Conventions
  17. Is Duplicate Handling
  18. Single Field Duplicate Handling
  19. Multi Field Duplicate Handling
  20. Non Standard Field Duplicate Handling
  21. Output Field Duplicate Handling
Validate Address Loqate General Configuration To set JVM configurations:
  1. Maximum Idle Objects
  2. Minimum Idle Objects
  3. Maximum Active Objects
  4. Maximum Wait Time
  5. Action When Exhausted
  6. Test on Borrow
  7. Test on Return
  8. Test While Idle
  9. Time Between Eviction Runs in Milliseconds
  10. Number of Tests Per Eviction Run
  11. Min Evictable Idle Time in Milliseconds
Reference Data Path

To specify the Reference Data path details.

For the UAM jobs, reference data can be placed on the local data nodes in the cluster or on HDFS.
Note: In case of local data nodes the reference data needs to be placed as un-archived folders while for HDFS these need to be archived files in .zip format.
Job Configurations The Hadoop configurations for the job.

For a MapReduce job, the instance must be of type MRJobConfig. For a Spark job, the instance must be of type SparkJobConfig.

Input File For text files:
File Path
The path of the input text file on the Hadoop platform.
Record Separator
The record separator used in the input file.
Field Separator
The separator used between any two consecutive fields of a record, in the input file.
Text Qualifier
The character used to surround text values in a delimited file.
Header Row Fields
An array of the header fields of the input file.
Skip First Row
Flag to indicate if the first row must be skipped while reading the input file records.

This must be true in case the first row is a header row.

Attention: Invoke the appropriate constructor of FilePath.
For ORC format files:
ORC File Path
The path of the input ORC format file on the Hadoop platform.
Common parameters:
Field Mappings
A map of key value pairs, with the existing column names as the keys and the desired output column names as the values.
Output File For text files:
File Path
The path of the output text file on the Hadoop platform.
Field Separator
The separator used between any two consecutive fields of a record, in the output file.
Attention: Invoke the appropriate constructor of FilePath.
For ORC format files:
ORC File Path
The path of the output ORC format file on the Hadoop platform.
Common Parameters:
Flag to indicate if output file must overwrite any existing file of same name.
Create Output Header
Flag to indicate if header file is to be created on the Hadoop server or not.
Job Name The name of the job.