Converting from a Separated Configuration Database to a Standard Installation

If you have a cluster that consists of separate clusters for the server and for the configuration database, you can convert your installation to a standard installation where the server and configuration database are installed together on the same server.

  1. Back up module-specific data for any of these modules if you have them installed.
    Module Items to Back Up
    Advanced Matching Module, Data Normalization Module, and Universal Name Module Back up the contents of these subfolders located in SpectrumLocation/server/modules:
    • cdqdb
    • lucene
    • matcher
    • parser
    • searchindex
    • tables
    Data Hub Module Open the Relationship Analysis Client and click Manage. Select the model you want to back up then click Backup.
    In addition to backing up your models, back up these two property files:
    • server\modules\hub\
    • server\modules\db\
    Location Intelligence Module Back up your named resources, data, and configuration files.
  2. Stop all the nodes in the server cluster then stop all the nodes in the configuration database cluster.
  3. The configuration database must be of the same version of Spectrumâ„¢ Technology Platform as the server you are converting to. If the configuration database is from an older version, upgrade the configuration database to the same version of Spectrumâ„¢ Technology Platform as the version you want to use for the standard server. On the last node that you shut down in the configuration database cluster, execute installdb.exe. The installer upgrades the configuration database.
    Warning: The node that you upgrade must be the last node that was stopped. This is so that data such as job history and configuration settings are not lost. If you do not know which node was shut down last, look in each node's wrapper log for the time stamp of the shutdown message. You can find the wrapper log in: Spectrum Location\server\app\repository\logs\wrapper.log.
  4. After the upgrade process finishes, wait for the server to start, then stop the server.

    You can see when the server has started up by opening the log file SpectrumInstallationLocation\Database\repository\logs\wrapper.log and looking for the message Started.

    Important: Do not attempt to stop the server until after it has fully started for the first time. Stopping the server before it performs an initial startup can cause your installation to become unusable.
  5. Install a new server. For instructions, see Installing a New Server.
    Note: When prompted, be sure to select Standard Installation, not Server only.
  6. Stop the server.
  7. Copy the SpectrumLocation\Database\repository\data\databases folder from the last configuration database server you stopped to the new server, replacing the existing folder.
  8. Start the server.