Special Operations

  1. Use the following join query to fetch contacts in a Contact List:
    select * from Contacts inner join ContactListMembers on Contacts.Eloqua_Contact_ID = ContactListMembers.Contact_Id where ContactListMembers.ContactList_Id = ‘<id>’
    Use the following join query to fetch contacts in a Contact Segment:
    select * from Contacts inner join ContactSegmentMembers on Contacts.Eloqua_Contact_ID = ContactSegmentMembers.Contact_Id where ContactSegmentMembers.Contactlist_Id = ‘<id>’
  2. Use the following statement to insert contacts in a Contact List:
    insert into ContactListMembers (ContactList_ID,Contact_ID) values (‘<contactlist_id>’,’<contact_id>’)
  3. Use the following statement to delete contacts from a Contact List:
    delete from ContactListMembers where ContactList_ID = ‘<contactlist_id>’ and Contact_ID = ‘<contact_id>’