Applying a Conversion Transformation

Note: These steps do not apply to the conversion functions to_bytes and to_chars.
  1. On the Create Mapping <logical model name> page, select the entity corresponding to the attribute to which you want the transformed value applied, and click the Transformations collapsible tab on the right side of the page.
    The Transformations panel is displayed showing the name of all the attributes in the selected entity. The Transformation column remains blank initially. It displays the transformation type after you save the transformation.
    Note: The Transformation panel doesn't display details of the physical model table. In case you click a physical model table after an entity and open the Transformation panel, it displays details of the last selected entity.
  2. Select the attribute to which you want the transformed value applied, and click the Transformation icon .
    The Transformation of column '<column name>' pop-up window is displayed.
  3. Select the Function option, and from the Category drop-down list, select the Conversion option.
  4. In the Name field, select the required conversion function.
    The function is defined as conversion and value and target get displayed below the entry fields.
    • Value: The source value which needs to be converted.
    • Target: The target data type or format into which the source value needs to be converted, or using which the source value needs to be parsed.
  5. Select the value using one of these options: Column, Constant, or Function.
    Note: Ensure the resulting data type matches the expected data type for the first parameter of the cast function (selected in the Name field above).
  6. Select the target using one of these options: Column, Constant, or Function. For more information, see Supported Datatypes for Conversion Transformations.
  7. Click OK.
    The applied conversion function transformation is reflected on the canvas with a link and the function node.
  8. Click Save.

The mapping is saved and the mapping icon changes from read to green for this logical model in the Models tab of the Modeling page.

Example - Applying a Cast Conversion Function Transformation

For example: To convert an integer value from BALANCE column of the CUSTOMER table of ClientSheet physical model into a float value to populate the CUSTBALANCE column of a CUSTPROFILE logical entity:
  1. Select the CUSTPROFILE entity on the canvas.
  2. Click the Transformations panel and in the panel, click the Transformation icon against the CUSTBALANCE column.
  3. In the popup, select the Function option.
  4. In the Category field, select Conversion.
  5. In the Name field, select the cast(Integer value,string target) function. You get option to set the value and target below the entry fields.
  6. Click Value, and select the Column option.
    • In the physical model Name drop-down, select the physical model ClientSheet.
    • In the Table Name drop-down, select a table CUSTOMER.
    • In the Column Name drop-down, select the column BALANCE.
    The Integer value from this column becomes the first parameter of the cast function.
  7. Click Target and do these selections.
    Note: The expected target data type is string in this example.
    • Select the Constant option.
    • From the Type drop-down, select the datatype String.
    • In the Value field, enter Float. This is the target datatype.
    The target datatype Float becomes the second parameter of the cast function.
  8. Click OK.

The applied cast conversion function transformation is depicted on the canvas.