Location Intelligence Module

  • (MID-37757) The GeoJSON response for the REST version of the Feature Service no longer contained the bounding box (bbox) attribute as of v12.0, breaking backward compatibility. The bbox attribute has been restored in this release.
  • (MID-37371) Row and column of cells were omitted when rendering raster tables for MIG, TIFF, and most other raster formats except MRR. As a result, white space was present around the tile edges which became more prominent at higher zoom levels. Tiles were also not positioned properly. These issues have been fixed in this release.

  • (MID-36839 / SCS-5091) The output field types in several Spatial Calculator operations (Area, Distance, Distance to Edge, Envelope Coordinates, Get Centroid, and Intersection) have changed from string to numeric (double). This allows them to now be compared to in when used in other stages like Query Spatial Data, where the types are also numeric. Instances of these operations in previous versions will still work.
  • (MID-35479 / SCS-4894) An MI SQL query was not getting executed as an equi-join when either operand in the equi-join had an MI SQL function, resulting in slower performance. This has been fixed in this release.