
Gets the value of the option entity identified by the name in the option session of the message. "Options" entities include the service-specific runtime options, such as output casing, output data format, and so on.


ASCII Version
const char* getOption(Message* message,const char* name) 
Unicode Version
const Uchar* getOption(Message* message,const UChar* name) 


  • Message - the message to which this function applies
  • Name- the name whose associated value is to be returned


Returns the value for the name in the "option" property in the message or an empty string if the name does not exist.


ASCII Version
const char* value = getOption (message, " OutputCasing"); 
Unicode Version
UChar* value; 
// construct 16-bit string 
UChar option[32]; 
char* optionValue="OutputCasing"; 
u_charsToUChars(optionValue,	option,	strlen(optionValue)); 
option [ strlen(optionValue)]=0;	
value = getOption(message, option);