This procedure describes how to use HTTPS communication between your application and the Spectrum™ Technology Platform server.

  1. Specify the root CA that will be used for communication between your application and the Spectrum™ Technology Platform server by doing one of the following:
    • If you do not know which root CA will be used:

      Copy the file ca-bundle.pem to your working directory. For C/C++ and COM, and ASP, the .pem file is located in the following folder in the location where you installed the Client SDK:

      Spectrum Client SDK\ClientAPI\platforms\windows\c-c++\<64>\<version>\lib\openssl

      For ASP, some examples of a working folder are:
      • If you use Internet Information Services to run ASP, copy ca-bundle.pem to the Windows system directory (for example, C:\Windows\system64).
      • If you use Internet Explorer to run ASP, copy ca-bundle.pem to the Internet Explorer default working directory (for example, C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Desktop).
    • If you know which root CA will be used: Specify the root CA certificate in your CA bundle file.
  2. In your application, when you connect to the server set the connection type to HTTPS.