
ValidateAddressAUS provides several options that enable you to control how addresses are processed and the type of information returned.

Table 1. Options


Description/Valid Values


Specifies the database to be used for Australian address validation. Only databases that have been defined in the Australia Database Resources panel in the Management Console are available.


Outputs result fields associated with certain output elements. See Result Codes.

Valid values are:

No, do not include result codes for individual fields in the output (default).
Yes, include result codes for individual fields in the output.


Returns the original input data. See Original Input Data.

Valid values are:

No, do not include original input data in the output (default).
Yes, include original input data in the output.


Returns parsed address elements. See Parsed Address Elements.

Valid values are:

No, do not include parsed address elements in the output (default).
Yes, include parsed address elements in the output.


Specifies that output address data is to be formatted using Address Matching Approval System (AMAS) conventions.

This option causes Validate Address AUS to use AMAS rules when standardizing an address. AMAS is an Australia Post program for enforcing addressing standards. For more information on the AMAS formatting conventions, refer to the Address Matching Approval System (AMAS) Handbook.

This option modifies the output data as follows.

  • Numeric fields are padded with zeros. This affects the following output fields: HouseNumber, HouseNumber2, PostalDeliveryNumber, and DPID. For example, if the input address is 298 New South Head Rd Double Bay NSW 2028, then the format of the HouseNumber field is changed from 298 to 00298.
  • If a match is not made, then all digits in the DPID field will be zero. For example, 00000000.
  • If a match is not made, then all return fields (parsed address elements) will be blank, except numeric fields which will contain all zeros.
  • The CCD field is not output.

Valid values are:

No, do not format the output data using AMAS conventions (default).
Yes, format the output data using AMAS conventions.