logicalmodel import

The logicalmodel import command imports the specified logical model and its metadata to Metadata Insights. To import the logical model along with its dependent physical models, use the importDependency argument.


logicalmodel import --i logicalModelInputFile --u trueOrFalse --d trueOrFalse
Required Argument Description
Yes --i logicalModelInputFile Specifies the logical model file to be imported.
No --u updateIfExists Specifies whether to update the existing model with same name in Metadata Insights with the imported model.
updates the existing logical model.
Does not update the existing logical model.
No --d importDependency Specifies whether to import the logical model along with its dependencies.
Logical model imported along with dependencies.
Logical model imported without the dependent models


This example imports the logical model file "MyModel", along with its dependent models to Metadata Insights and updates the already existing file with this one.

logicalmodel import --i MyModel --u true --d true