Secured Entity Types - Metadata Insights

An entity type is a category of items to which you want to grant or deny access. The secured entity types for Metadata Insights control access to the Metadata Insights web application's modeling, profiling, lineage, and impact analysis features.

Lineage & Impact Analysis
Controls access to the Lineage & Impact Analysis view in Metadata Insights. Since Lineage & Impact Analysis only provides the ability to view information, the only permission available is View.
Note: Giving users the View permission for Lineage & Impact Analysis will allow them to view logical models, physical models, and data stores even if they do not have the View permission for these secured entity types.
Logical Model
Controls access to logical models in the Modeling section of Metadata Insights.
Model Store
Controls access to model stores in the Modeling section of Metadata Insights.
Physical Model
Controls access to physical models in the Modeling section of Metadata Insights.