Extraction using silent script

Use silentInstalldb_unc.sh script for extracting the reference data without going through an interactive process. The script accepts arguments once and extracts databases silently on your machine.
Note: Ensure that execute permission is granted to the aq folder.
  1. Log in with rights or as a root user.
  2. Change the directory to the location to:<BDQ_Installation>/SDK/utilities/dbloader/aq/scripts/server.
  3. Run the script silentInstalldb_unc.sh using the command:
    ./silentInstalldb_unc.sh -input <input database path> -output <output database path> -database <database type> -acushare <acushare installation path>

    This command also verifies whether the Acushare service is running. If not, then this command starts the service.

  4. This table describes the command.
    Required Argument Description
    Yes -i -input Path of the input data to be extracted. This should be the path till the folder in which you have the input data. For example, /home/hadoop/hduser/UAM_DEC_2017_DB/databases
    Yes -o -output Path of the output location for extracted data
    Yes -d -database Database type to be extracted. The values are:
    • US_SUB
    • RDI
    • EWS
    • LACS
    • DPV
    • SUITE
    Yes -a -acushare Path of the installed acushare service
    No -z -zip To create output files in the tar.gz format.

    Pass the value Y to create a compressed tar.gz output. Default is N.

    No -override

    To override the output location. Pass the value N if you do not want to override the output location. Default is Y.

    No -optionaldb To load optional EOT file while extraction. Pass the value N if you do not want to load an optional EOT file. Default is Y.
    Note: Valid only for the US_SUB database.
    No -ewsfile Specify the name of the EWS file. Default is OUT
    Note: Valid only for the EWS database.
These are specific commands to extract specific database types:
  • US_SUB: ./silentInstalldb_unc.sh -input <input database path> -output <output database path> -database <database type> -acushare <acushare installation path> -override N -optionaldb N -zip Y
  • DPV: ./silentInstalldb_unc.sh -input <input database path> -output <output database path> -database <database type> -acushare <acushare installation path> -override N -zip Y
  • EWS: ./silentInstalldb_unc.sh -input <input database path> -output <output database path> -database <database type> -acushare <acushare installation path> -override N -ewsfile <name of file> -zip Y
  • LACS: ./silentInstalldb_unc.sh -input <input database path> -output <output database path> -database <database type> -acushare <acushare installation path> -override N -zip Y
  • SUITE: ./silentInstalldb_unc.sh -input <input database path> -output <output database path> -database <database type> -acushare <acushare installation path> -override N -zip Y
    Note: Run the help command ./silentInstalldb_unc.sh -help to view the details of mandatory and optional parameters.