Output Columns

  1. AddressBlock1-2
  2. ApartmentLabel
  3. ApartmentNumber
  4. Building
  5. City
  6. City.Matched
  7. CitySubdivision
  8. CitySubdivision.Matched
  9. Confidence
  10. Country
  11. Country specific fields
  12. FirmName
  13. HouseNumber
  14. Housenumber.Matched
  15. LeadingDirectional
  16. MatchOnAllStreetFields
  17. MatchOnStreetDirectional
  18. MultimatchCount
  19. PostalCode
  20. PostalCode.AddOn
  21. Postalcode.Matched
  22. Principality
  23. ProcessedBy
  24. StateProvince
  25. StateProvince.Matched
  26. StateProvinceSubdivision
  27. StateProvinceSubdivision.Matched
  28. StreetName
  29. StreetName.Matched
  30. StreetType
  31. StreetType.Matched
  32. TrailingDirectional
  33. Vendor Code
Note: For field descriptions, see the topic Global Address Validation in the Addressing Guide of Spectrumâ„¢ Technology Platform.