Output Columns

  1. AdditionalInputData
  2. AddressLine1
  3. AddressLine2
  4. AddressLine3
  5. AddressLine4
  6. AddressLine5
  7. City
  8. Country
  9. FirmName
  10. PostalCode
  11. PostalCode.AddOn
  12. PostalCode.Base
  13. StateProvince
  14. USUrbanName
  15. AdditionalInputData
  16. ApartmentLabel
  17. ApartmentLabel2
  18. ApartmentNumber
  19. ApartmentNumber2
  20. HouseNumber
  21. LeadingDirectional
  22. POBox
  23. PrivateMailbox
  24. PrivateMailbox.Type
  25. RRHC
  26. StateProvince
  27. StreetName
  28. StreetSuffix
  29. TrailingDirectional
  30. USUrbanName
  31. ApartmentLabel.Input
  32. ApartmentNumber.Input
  33. City.Input
  34. Country.Input
  35. FirmName.Input
  36. HouseNumber.Input
  37. LeadingDirectional.Input
  38. POBox.Input
  39. PostalCode.Input
  40. PrivateMailbox.Input
  41. PrivateMailbox.Type.Input
  42. RRHC.Input
  43. StateProvince.Input
  44. StreetName.Input
  45. StreetSuffix.Input
  46. TrailingDirectional.Input
  47. USUrbanName.Input
  48. PostalBarCode
  49. USAltAddr
  50. USBCCheckDigit
  51. USCarrierRouteCode
  52. USCongressionalDistrict
  53. USCountyName
  54. USFinanceNumber
  55. USFIPSCountyNumber
  56. USLACS
  57. USLastLineNumber
  58. AddressFormat
  59. Confidence
  60. CouldNotValidate
  61. CountryLevel
  62. MatchScore
  63. MultimatchCount
  64. MultipleMatches
  65. ProcessedBy
  66. RecordType
  67. RecordType.Default
  68. Status
  69. Status.Code
  70. Status.Description
  71. AddressRecord.Result
  72. ApartmentLabel.Result
  73. ApartmentNumber.Result
  74. City.Result
  75. Country.Result
  76. FirmName.Result
  77. HouseNumber.Result
  78. LeadingDirectional.Result
  79. POBox.Result
  80. PostalCode.Result
  81. PostalCodeCity.Result
  82. PostalCode.Source
  83. PostalCode.Type
  84. RRHC.Result
  85. RRHC.Type
  86. StateProvince.Result
  87. Street.Result
  88. StreetName.AbbreviatedAlias.Result
  89. StreetName.Alias.Type
  90. StreetName.PreferredAlias.Result
  91. StreetName.Result
  92. StreetSuffix.Result
  93. TrailingDirectional.Result
  94. USUrbanName.Result
  95. USLOTCode
  96. USLOTHex
  97. USLOTSequence
  98. USLACS.ReturnCode
  99. RDI
  100. DPV
  101. CMRA
  102. DPVFootnote
  103. DPVVacant
  104. DPVNoStat
  105. SuiteLinkReturnCode
  106. SuiteLinkMatchCode
  107. SuiteLinkFidelity
  108. VeriMoveDataBlock
Note: For the field descriptions, see the topic Validate Address in the Addressing Guide of Spectrumâ„¢ Technology Platform.